For Immediate Release

September 24, 2008

Media Contact:  Meghan Snyder
(202) 225-2676

Rep. Jordan Slams Democrat Spending Bill

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) today voted against a massive trillion dollar federal spending package, calling it “another example of the fiscal irresponsibility by the Nancy Pelosi Congress.”

“At a time when instability in the financial markets is making regular Americans uneasy about the economy, this tax-and-spend Congress believes higher taxes and more federal spending is the answer,” said Jordan. 

“Families across America are tightening their belts and bracing for the road ahead, but not this Congress,” he added.

Jordan said the hastily-passed spending measure, called a Continuing Resolution, stemmed from Democrats’ failure to pass the 12 required spending bills before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.

Continuing Resolutions are designed to avoid a government shutdown by continuing expenditures at their current levels into the next fiscal year.  However, this Continuing Resolution increased spending by more than 7% over current levels, including a massive $32 billion hike in non-defense, discretionary spending.

“Congress should address the important issues facing this country in a fiscally responsible way,” Jordan concluded.  “Instead, they opted to pass a bill full of earmarks and excessive spending that sets our nation further down the track toward a fiscal train wreck.  I remain committed to turning the train around and reintroducing the concept of fiscal responsibility to Washington D.C.”

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