For Immediate Release

June 19, 2008

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Applauds Bipartisan Troop Funding Package

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) applauded passage of a legislative package that includes full funding for American troops on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as additional benefits for veterans and soldiers returning home.

The package, which passed the House today, provides an additional $161.8 billion for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.  It also includes $62.8 billion for GI Bill programs that help provide educational opportunities for veterans.

“This is a great and long-awaited victory for our troops and their families,” Jordan said.  “I am glad that Congress was finally able to rise above party politics and provide our military with the resources it needs to continue doing a remarkable job for our country.”

Jordan said the troop funding package would head for the President’s desk after Senate action on the bill.

“This legislation, though long overdue, is the right message to send to our troops on behalf of the American people,” said Jordan.  “It confirms that we appreciate living under the blanket of security they are helping provide.  We wish to honor their service and sacrifice by providing them the resources they need both on and off the battlefield.”

Jordan said that Congress should now push forward with other critical legislation, including a renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to help fight terrorism, and legislation to expand America’s domestic energy resources through exploration and drilling.

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