For Immediate Release

January 17, 2008

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan to Speak at Sanctity of Human Life Rally Sunday in Ashland

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) will be the featured speaker at this Sunday’s Sanctity of Human Life Rally, sponsored by the Ashland Care Center.

The rally is scheduled for 6:30 PM at Grace Brethren Church, 1144 West Main Street, in Ashland.  Area media are welcome to cover Jordan at the event.

Jordan will also address the 35th annual March for Life in Washington on Tuesday.  The march, attended by tens of thousands annually, is held on the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.  Jordan also spoke at last year’s march and met with the numerous participants from Ohio's Fourth Congressional District.

Jordan is a member of the House Judiciary Committee and the Pro-Life Caucus.  The first bill he cosponsored as a member of Congress was the Right to Life Act, protecting the constitutional rights of the unborn.

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