For Immediate Release

June 28, 2007

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Votes Against Congressional Pay Raise
Continues Offering Amendments to Reduce Federal Spending

Washington, DC--Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) voted today to block a proposed $4,500 mid-term salary increase for members of Congress.

“With so many House members supporting record-setting tax-and-spend levels, the American people don’t believe that Congress deserves a raise,” he said.

Jordan’s Chief of Staff Ray Yonkura explained that, because the pay raise is automatic under the law, a series of procedural votes is required to stop it.  Each of the procedural votes had Jordan’s support, but each failed to receive majority support.

“People are even more repulsed by the notion of Congress receiving an automatic pay increase--without an up-or-down vote--especially when so many families must live on the same income as last year,” Jordan added.

This week, Jordan also continued offering amendments to spending bills to eliminate projected increases and keep the budgets of federal agencies at their current 2007 levels.

“Holding the line on federal spending must be our first priority in the long overdue effort to get America’s financial house in order,” Jordan concluded.

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