For Immediate Release

June 20, 2007

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Set to Offer $20 Billion in Federal Spending Reductions

Washington, DC--Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) today launched a series of amendments designed to reduce federal spending by more than $20 billion over the next year.

Jordan’s effort would create savings by holding several of the Fiscal Year 2008 federal appropriations bills to their current 2007 levels.

“Reigning in our runaway federal budget requires a fiscal discipline that has been lacking in leaders of both political parties,” said Jordan. 

“Much to the dismay of the big spenders in Washington, I am proposing a zero-growth budget in many agencies for the next fiscal year, so we can begin to hold the line on federal spending--which has grown faster than inflation for too long,” Jordan said.

Though Jordan’s amendment to the Energy and Water Development appropriations measure garnered bipartisan support, it failed on a largely party-line vote.

The strongest block of support came from the nearly 100-member group of conservative lawmakers in the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

Jordan said the federal government already spends $23,000 per American family, and the Democrat-proposed spending increases will lead to higher taxes or a fiscal crisis.

“How many times have American families had to live on the same budget they did the year before,” asked Jordan.  “To begin addressing the looming budget challenges ahead, we need to get our financial house in order.  That effort must begin now,” he added.

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