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Outreach Conference Award

Call for applications is now closed.



The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) Middle Atlantic Region (MAR), is accepting applications for Outreach Conference Awards from NN/LM MAR Full and Affiliate Members.


The purpose of the Outreach Conference Award is to allow full and affiliate members to host conferences on Health Disparities and/or Information Literacy. These conferences will provide input into the NN/LM MAR Strategic Plan, market the NN/LM and its services, and begin to identify community partners for the Strategic Plan’s programs, to be implemented in the 2007/2008 contract year (May 1, 2007 through April 30, 2008). The conferences should be held at a level to attract attendees from a wide geographic area within the Middle Atlantic region (Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania).

Up to $12,000 is available for costs associated with each conference. Two awards will be made by April 30, 2007. Applications will be accepted continuously through March 30, 2007. Awards must be applied to create an outreach conference scheduled within twelve months of the award date. Food, furniture and print materials cannot be more than 5% of budget.

If you have questions or require assistance contact Kathel Dunn, Associate Director, at 1-800-338-7657, 212-263-4197, or . Awards will be announced on the MAR discussion list, MARL as well as the MAR newsletter and the MAR blog.


The goal of the conferences is to identify regional issues in health disparities and/or information literacy by involving key players, including the staff of public and health sciences libraries, community or faith-based organizations, and research institutes, that can inform, educate, and potentially build partnerships withing the region. The conference schedule should allow time to highlight and promote NN/LM and its services. Results of the conference will inform the NN/LM MAR Strategic Plan. Library associations or consortia that include network members may apply as an organization if they have a tax identifier number.

Application Process

Applicants should complete the Outreach Conference Award online application. Attachments, such as resumes, letters of support, and equipment quotes may be sent by fax to 212-263-4258 or attached to an email sent to Please use the title of your project as the subject line of the email.

The MAR staff will acknowledge receipt of your application and provide notification of awards within four weeks of the application deadline.

Cost Proposal Instructions

Total expenses must not exceed $12,000.

Allowable expenses include:

  • Speaker fees and honoraria
  • Travel
  • Publicity
  • Space rental
  • Electricity
  • Telephone lines/data lines
  • Audiovisual costs
  • Printing/reproduction/duplication
  • Equipment rental

Non-allowable expenses include:

  • Indirect costs
  • Personnel costs

Application Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by the NN/LM MAR Outreach Committee. Reviewers may contact the applicant with questions or comments for clarification and revision of the proposal. The merits of each application will be carefully evaluated, based on responsiveness to the call for applications. Applicants must submit information sufficient to evaluate their proposals based on the criteria listed below.

Applicants will receive notification of awards within 3 months of application deadline.

Evaluation Criteria

Description of target population is provided along with rationale for what benefits will be derived by the target population.
35 points

Conference plan is feasible and complete.
35 points

Documentation of experience and qualifications of key personnel is provided, including resumes and, if applicable, letters of support.
30 points
Total Possible Points: 100

Reporting Requirements

A final report, including a blog/newsletter article, must be submitted within 30 days of completion of the project. Award recipients are encouraged to take photographs for inclusion in the report and article.

Recipients agree to allow the NN/LM-MAR to republish reports. Reports must be submitted to

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access Policy Requirement
In accordance with the NIH Public Access Policy investigators must submit or have submitted for them their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts that arise from NIH funds and are accepted for publication as of April 7, 2008 to PubMed Central, to be made publicly available no later than 12 months after publication. As of May 27, 2008, investigators must include the PubMed Central reference number when citing an article in NIH applications, proposals, and progress reports that fall under the policy, and was authored or co-authored by the investigator or arose from the investigator’s NIH award. For more information, see the Public Access web page.