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NN/LM SE/A 2006-2011 Regional Document Delivery Plan

A. The Network Participants; Members and Affiliates

1. Members may be any health science library or health-related information center, institution or organization that is regularly staffed, has an Internet connection, and has its own collection of health sciences materials from which it provides information services to health professionals and/or the general public. Affiliates are libraries or information/resource centers called upon for health information by its users, but they do not meet all the member requirements. Participating institutions accept the goals and principles of the SE/A Region Document Delivery Policy.

2. Responsibilities of members:

a) National Library of Medicine (NLM)
NLM is responsible for the national coordination, self-documentation and interface with other national document delivery networks, provision of document delivery services to augment regional resources, continued support of SERIALS HOLDINGS, and continued support and development of DOCLINE and Loansome Doc/Outside Tool. NLM maintains LocatorPlus and PubMed for ordering ease, provides administrative support to the Network, provides DOCLINE management data for performance monitoring, and provides a means for Member/Affiliate (i.e. local) production of custom DOCLINE reports.

b) University of Maryland, Baltimore, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, SE/A Regional Medical Library (RML)
The Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL) maintains its Serials Holdings at Level 3, updating them at least annually. The Library encourages candidate members to add their holdings to Serials Holdings and to become DOCLINE participants. HS/HSL fosters cooperative activities and provides members and affiliates in the region with support and technical and administrative guidance via telephone, e-mail and listservs, referring to NLM when necessary. The SE/A RML provides training to resource libraries, primary access libraries and affiliates in efficient and effective use of the DOCLINE system, and Loansome Doc/Outside Tool, including using LocatorPlus and PubMed. HS/HSL serves as a resource for materials and queries not available elsewhere among the members and affiliates. HS/HSL refers to NLM only questions that cannot be answered by the regional DOCLINE and Serials Holdings coordinator at the RML. In addition, the RML coordinates the contribution, review and maintenance of regional serials holdings data to Serials Holdings, encouraging online updating with a goal of eliminating batch updates by the end of the contract period. HS/HSL handles the region's administrative Serials Holdings and DOCLINE matters. The RML promotes use of the Internet as the preferred delivery method for document delivery. Also, the RML provides Loansome Doc/Outside Tool service to health professionals and others who are not directly served by a network library. It assists affiliates to link to network libraries to obtain materials on behalf of the general public.

c) Resource Libraries (RLs)
Resource libraries, with their strong collections and ongoing acquisitions, participate in Loansome Doc and provide ILL service to libraries in the region at a charge not to exceed the current national maximum. The libraries' holdings are contributed to SERIALS HOLDINGS and maintained at Level 3, updating them at least annually. Each of these libraries maintains an accurate record in DOCUSER and each maintains a routing table reflecting ILL borrowing patterns and consistent with regional ILL policies. Resource libraries assist NLM and the RML in linking affiliate libraries with Network members to improve the general public's access to health information. Designated resource libraries lend their voice and experience to NLM's and the RML's by encouraging libraries to deliver documents electronically. Resource libraries promote the DOCLINE system as the system of choice for ILL. They also test new technologies to improve access to health science collections.

d) Primary Access Libraries (PALs)
PALs, hospital libraries and network members, contribute to and maintain Level 3 holdings data in SERIALS HOLDINGS with annual updates, participate in DOCLINE and, if possible, in Loansome Doc/Outside Tool. Each maintains an accurate record in Institutional Records and maintains an appropriate routing table in DOCLINE. PALs generally represent the health professional's first point of access into the network. These libraries are encouraged to develop adequate resources to respond to their users' basic health information needs. PALs cooperate with other local libraries to share resources before sending requests to resource libraries. PALs also promote the DOCLINE system as the system of choice for interlibrary loan.

B. Interlibrary Loan Service

1. DOCLINE Requests
DOCLINE is the National Library of Medicine's automated interlibrary loan request and referral system. Requests should be entered into DOCLINE using any of several points of entry. It is an instrument for providing document delivery requests, routing, referral and requested materials to health professionals and others, by rapidly routing interlibrary loan requests among members of the NN/LM. DOCLINE now incorporates DOCUSER, Serials Holdings and ILL borrowing and lending into one interface. It is the preferred interlibrary loan system in the NN/LM SE/A.

The "Request" function of DOCLINE allows users to initiate borrowing from several points of entry: PubMed, including Loansome Doc/Outside Tool, LocatorPlus, and indirectly through MedlinePlus and the Gateway. Other functions within "Request" include Lend, Receipt, Status and Cancel. Within "Lend" a user fills a request and indicates so, or updates a request as not filled. In "Receipt", a user prints or downloads pending requests for daily processing. "Status" is real-time record keeping, allowing users to view the status of requests entered. "Cancel" is a function for canceling one's own routed request.

2. Loansome Doc/Outside Tool requests
In the interest of serving the nation's unaffiliated users of health and wellness information, Loansome Doc/Outside Tool facilitates the ordering of materials identified and abstracted or indexed in NLM's many databases. Borrowers ordering full-text documents must identify a DOCLINE library willing to serve them and make arrangements with that institution including pricing, turn-around time and data format(s). Once an arrangement is in place, orders will be routed through the home library to DOCLINE libraries and back.

3. Institutional Records (nee DOCUSER)
Each Institutional Records contains one library's complete, current information on services, demographics, charges, contacts, borrowing and lending formats and interlibrary loan policy data. Thus, Institutional Records serve as the administrative authority file for NLM's interlibrary loan system and the official database of NN/LM network members. Institutions or organizations with several libraries describe each in a separate Institutional Record. Each is assigned a unique Library Identifier (LIBID) for use in Institutional Records, DOCLINE, Serials Holdings and other NN/LM activities and programs.

4. Serials Holdings (nee SERHOLD)
Serials Holdings is a database of holdings for biomedical serial titles in U. S. libraries. DOCLINE members and affiliates enter their level 3 serial holdings into the Serials Holdings component of the system. These holding statements are matched with requests for speedy, accurate routing to holding libraries. Region 2's network access coordinator oversees Serials Holdings updates for the region. The network access coordinator trains users and trainers in adding, updating or deleting records for Serials Holdings.

C. Participating in the NN/LM Document Delivery Plan

1. Reporting holdings to Serials Holdings
Participants are limited to reporting holdings for serial titles that are in NLM's LocatorPlus database. Members must keep their serials holdings information in Serials Holdings both accurate and current. These stipulations are especially important in the new web-based system where real-time updates immediately become available for DOCLINE routing. Records must be updated annually, though point-of-service, monthly or quarterly updates increase accuracy. In the main, members directly key updates, but may use NLM's global batch updating in OCLC MARC and MARC21 formats. Batch updating is available only for users who regularly batch updated and are unable to switch to online updating; new members of library groups that have traditionally used batch updating; and initial input from new Serials Holdings libraries with a significant number of holdings.

To eliminate the need for updating holdings data in both DOCLINE and OCLC, NLM now offers quarterly data transfer from Serials Holdings to OCLC via the batch update function. In addition, NLM can import serial holdings data from OCLC into Serials Holdings when a library's OCLC union list product, referred to as "SULOP" (Serials Union List Offline Product) by OCLC, is produced.

2. Document Delivery Service

DOCLINE is the primary interlibrary loan tool of member libraries. Members are to process requests from other members to the extent that they are able. Affiliated health professionals access ILL through their networked member library. Non-affiliated health professionals access ILL through member libraries providing Loansome Doc/Outside Tool service, or will be served by the RML directly.

Network members should also offer Loansome Doc/Outside Tool service to their own users and/or unaffiliated users. Affiliate members participate in DOCLINE by forming a collaborative borrowing relationship with a full member or join as a borrower only.

3. ILL/Document Delivery Charges

a) Charges for filled loans: Currently, the maximum that resource libraries may charge network members for journal and monographic requests sent by U.S. mail is $11.00. This maximum charge conforms to the national maximum set by the NLM. Other network libraries are encouraged to abide by the maximum $11.00 charge to members. In NLM's February, 2002 Revised Policy on the National Maximum Charge, there are procedures for resource libraries increasing ILL charges above the national maximum charge

b) For U.S. libraries, NLM charges $9.00 for each filled interlibrary loan in the form of a photocopy or loan of a book, audiovisual or microform.
Mail Delivery, Ariel, Email, Web, and Pickup - $9.00
Mail Delivery, Ariel, Email, Web, and Pickup - color copies - $11.00 Fax Delivery - $12.00
More about NLM charges are enumerated in the NLM Fact Sheet Interlibrary Loan Policy. [ Link-]

c) Agreements among local institutions and consortia to waive or downwardly adjust charges are recognized.

d.) Audiovisual, telefacsimile, and Ariel service are not subject to the national maximum charge. The lending institution shall set charges.

e.) Network libraries may establish individual fee schedules and policies for supplying loans to non-network participants.

D. Performance Data

1. Rationale:
Analysis of performance data assists SE/A staff in developing and implementing programs and services. This data supplies information concerning performance of member libraries and indicates trends and future needs, especially necessary as libraries face the conundrum of leased and licensed holdings that cannot be loaned. Data also assists the SE/A staff with planning in-service programs in collection development, e-journals, maintenance, preservation, and topic coverage within the consortia, states and region.

2. Fulfillment Standard:
The measure of fulfillment (fill rate) is calculated by dividing the number of received requests into the number of filled requests (minus those rejected due to cost). The acceptable minimum fill rate for the RML and resource libraries is 75%.

3. Throughput Standard:
Network standards require that 85% of filled loans be processed completely within four calendar days and that 85% of non-filled requests be processed within seven calendar days.

4. Notification of Non-Availability aka Rejection Reasons
Network members indicate reasons for not filling requests, as specifically as possible via the status module for DOCLINE requests and in the Remarks portion of the interlibrary loan request form for non-DOCLINE requests.

E. Loansome Doc/Outside Tool
Loansome Doc/Outside Tool is the document ordering feature of PubMed allowing users to request articles located in NLM databases from network libraries. All network members are encouraged to provide Loansome Doc/Outside Tool service, especially to users affiliated with the network institutions. DOCLINE requests originating with authorized Loansome Doc/Outside Tool users are treated as interlibrary loans.

F. Locating ILL Information
NN/LM member interlibrary loan policies may be searched and viewed in DOCUSER records in DOCLINE. Information includes contact information, charges, loan periods and various specifics for special collections.

For More Information:
* DOCLINE Service Desk at NLM responds to questions, problems and comments of DOCLINE users. Call 1-888-FINDNLM (346-3656) or 301-496-5511 or fax 301-496-2809. Also send DOCLINE questions by e-mail to or questions specific to the use of new DOCLINE to:

* In addition to being DOCLINE's platform, the Internet, an increasingly important resource, is used as a means of communication; a source for full-text and graphical information; and a mechanism for file transfer. The NN/LM and NLM use the Internet to provide and promote products and services and to instruct and tutor users of their products and services. For more information on NLM's World Wide Web Servers, Specialized NLM Servers and anonymous ftp servers, consult the Fact Sheet National Library of Medicine Internet-Accessible Resources at

Listserv Services are available for the SE/A Office and for DOCLINE. Accordingly, they are and

The NN/LM maintains a web site at URL Link-http://nnlm/gov/index.html. The eight Regional Offices have home pages, SE/A's is Each of these sites contains pertinent document delivery information.