For Immediate Release

January 22, 2008

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Speaks at National March for Life
Introduces Bipartisan Pro-Life Bill

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) today addressed pro-life activists from Ohio before the 35th annual March for Life in Washington.  Jordan later spoke at the national rally, where the crowd was estimated at more than 200,000.

“My wife Polly and I attended our first pro-life rally almost 20 years ago,” Jordan said.  “Since then, despite many challenges and much change, I believe our nation has made a great deal of progress in promoting and defending the sanctity of life.”

“But with the recent shift in control of Congress, we pro-life legislators have been playing defense for the past year, working to protect the pro-life laws currently on the books,” he added.

Jordan said that a bipartisan group of pro-life congressmen successfully defended laws that prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion at home and abroad.  He said the group continues to work to promote ethical alternatives to embryonic stem cell research that would allow for research without taking human life.

Jordan also introduced a bill last week (H.R. 5032) to require a doctor to perform an ultrasound--and allow the mother to view the ultrasound images if she so chooses--before the doctor could perform an abortion.  Jordan said this commonsense bill has earned support from a cross-section of legislators who believe that women should be provided all possible information on the realities of abortion.

“This is a pro-life bill that we were able to introduce with bipartisan support, and more of our pro-life colleagues are signing onto the bill each day,” said Jordan.  “In the spirit of today’s March for Life, I hope that many more of my colleagues will consider cosponsoring this bill.”

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