Federal Trade Commission, Plaintiff, v. Wealth Systems, Inc., a Nevada Corporation; Ecommerce Network.com, LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company; Martin Q. Wilson, individually and as an officer of Wealth Systems, Inc., and manager/member of Ecommerce Network.com, LLC; Shane Roach, individually and as an officer of Wealth Systems, Inc., and manager/member of Ecommerce Network.com, LLC; Defendants.,

United States District Court for the District of Arizona


Civil Action No.: CV '05 0394 PHX JAT

November 30, 2005


February 22, 2005


  • Complaint for Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief
  • Temporary Restraining Order With Asset Freeze, Appointment of Temporary Receiver, Immediate Access to Business Premises, Order Permitting Limited Expedited Discovery, and Order To Show Cause Why a Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue (Proposed)
  • News Release


Last Modified: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2007 16:49:00 EDT