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Analysis Papers from AEO - Papers from the Legislation and Regulations, and Issues in Focus Sections of the AEO 

    Trends in Heating and Cooling Degree Days: Implications for Energy Demand Issues (released in AEO2008)
    Miscellaneous Electricity Services in the Buildings Sector (released in AEO2007)
    13 SEER Standard for Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps (released in AEO2005)
    Impacts of Temperature Variation on Energy Demand in Buildings (released in AEO2005)
    Distributed Generation in Buildings (released in AEO2005)
Coal Supply and Transportation
    Coal Transportation Issues (released in AEO2007)
Electricity Prices and Generation
    Electricity Prices in Transition (released in AEO2007)
    Loan Guarantees and the Economics of Electricity Generating Technologies (released in AEO2007)
    Mercury Emissions Control Technologies (released in AEO2006)
Energy Demand
    Energy Demand: Limits on the Response to Higher Energy Prices in the End-Use Sectors (released in AEO2007)
    Industrial Sector Energy Demand: Revisions for Non-Energy-Intensive Manufacturing (released in AEO2007)
Energy Project Costs
    Impacts of Uncertainty in Energy Project Costs (released in AEO2008)
    Impacts of Rising Construction and Equipment Costs on Energy Industries (released in AEO2007)
Energy Technologies
    Energy Technologies on the Horizon (released in AEO2006)
Ethanol and Biodiesel
    Federal and State Ethanol and Biodiesel Requirements (released in AEO2007)
    Biofuels in the U.S. Transportation Sector (released in AEO2007)
Federal Air Emissions Regulation
    Mobile Source Air Toxics Rule (released in AEO2008)
    EPACT2005 Loan Guarantee Program (released in AEO2008)
    Regulation of Emissions from Stationary Diesel Engines (released in AEO2007)
    Federal Air Emissions Regulations (released in AEO2006)
    Update on Transition to Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel Fuel (released in AEO2006)
    U.S. Greenhouse Gas Intensity and the Global Climate Change Initiative (Update) (released in AEO2006)
    Maximum Achievable Control Technology for New Industrial Boilers (released in AEO2005)
    Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule (released in AEO2005)
    Multi-Pollutant Legislation and Regulations (released in AEO2005)
    U.S. Greenhouse Gas Intensity and the Global Climate Change Initiative (released in AEO2005)
Federal Fuels Taxes and Tax Credits
    Federal Fuels Taxes and Tax Credits (Update) (released in AEO2008)
    Federal Fuels Taxes and Tax Credits (released in AEO2007)
    Volumetric Excise Tax Credit for Alternative Fuels (released in AEO2006)
    Production Tax Credit for Renewable Electricity Generation (released in AEO2005)
Federal Legislation
    Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007: Summary of Provisions (released in AEO2008)
    Energy Policy Act 2005: Status of Provisions (Update) (released in AEO2007)
    Energy Policy Act 2005 Summary (released in AEO2006)
    American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (released in AEO2005)
    Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 (released in AEO2005)
    Military Construction Appropriations and Emergency Hurricane Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005 (released in AEO2005)
    Climate Stewardship Act of 2004 (released in AEO2005)
Industrial Energy Use
    Changing Trends in the Refining Industry (released in AEO2006)
    Changing Trends in the Bulk Chemicals and Pulp and Paper Industries (released in AEO2005)
Light Duty Vehicles
    Fuel Economy Standards for New Light Trucks (released in AEO2007)
    California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles (Update) (released in AEO2006)
    Proposed Revisions to Light Truck Fuel Economy Standards (released in AEO2006)
    Advanced Technologies for Light-Duty Vehicles (released in AEO2006)
    California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles (released in AEO2005)
    Fuel Economy of the Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet (released in AEO2005)
Petroleum Liquids and Natural Gas Supply
    Limited Electricity Generation Supply and Limited Natural Gas Supply Cases (released in AEO2008)
    Liquefied Natural Gas: Global Challenges (released in AEO2008)
    Impacts of Increased Access to Oil & Natural Gas Resources in the Lower 48 Federal Outer Continental Shelf (released in AEO2007)
    Alaskan Natural Gas Pipeline Developments (released in AEO2007)
    Nonconventional Liquid Fuels (released in AEO2006)
    Restricted Natural Gas Supply Case (released in AEO2005)
State Air Emissions Regulations
    State Regulations on Airborne Emissions: Update Through 2007 (Update) (released in AEO2008)
    State Regulations on Airborne Emissions: Update Through 2006 (Update) (released in AEO2007)
    State Air Emission Regulations That Affect Electric Power Producers (Update) (released in AEO2006)
    State Restrictions on Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (released in AEO2006)
    Update on State Air Emission Regulations That Affect Electric Power Producers (released in AEO2005)
State Renewable Energy Requirements
   State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2007 (Update) (released in AEO2008)
   State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2006 (Update) (released in AEO2007)
   State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2005 (Update) (released in AEO2006)       
   State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2003 (released in AEO2005)
World Oil Prices
   World Oil Prices and Production Trends in AEO2008 (released in AEO2008)
   World Oil Prices in AEO2007 (released in AEO2007)       
   World Oil Prices in AEO2006 (released in AEO2006)       
   Economic Effects of High Oil Prices (released in AEO2006)       
   World Oil Price Cases (released in AEO2005)