Media Resources Center: Online Media Collections

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Notes about these resources: This database includes both video materials accessible by the general public, and videos licensed for access by current University of California, Berkeley students, faculty, and staff only (CalNet authentication required). Audio recordings in the collection are accessible by all users. Materials in the collection may be accessed from either campus or off-site computers.

The copyright holders reserve the exclusive right to grant permission to reuse the material, in whole or part, in any way, in any form or format, including rights to download, reproduce, record, or transcribe the contents in part or whole.

Access to the videos in the collection requires Windows Media player. Macintosh users may access them by downloading the free Flip4Mac plug-in.

Access to the audio recordings in the collection requires the Real player

UC Berkeley Library Social Activism Sound Recording Project

The UC Berkeley Social Activism Sound Recording Project is a partnership between the UC Berkeley Library, the Pacifica Foundation, and other private and institutional sources. The intent of the project is to gather, catalog, and make accessible primary source media resources related to social activism and activist movements in California in the 1960's and 1970's. Some recordings have been slightly edited for purposes of sound quality and continuity.

Free Speech Movement

Black Panther Party

Anti-Vietnam War Protests in the San Francisco Bay Area & Beyond

UC Berkeley Webcasting Archive (Campus Lectures and Events)

See separate listing (maintained by Educational Technology Services)

Online Media Resources Outside of UC Berkeley

See separate listing

Copyright (C) 1996 by the Library, University of California, Berkeley. All rights reserved.
Document maintained on server: by
Gary Handman, Head, Media Resources Center.
Last update 05/26/08 [gh]

MRC web graphics by Mary Scott, Graphics Office, The Teaching Library