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Archive for June, 2008

Express Funding Available

Monday, June 16th, 2008

Year 03 express funding opportunities for SE/A network members were announced on June 12. Available for application are: express outreach, express library technology improvement, express planning and assessment, express follow-up, and Welcome awards. Also available are the exhibit and training awards. New this year is the disaster recovery award, which we sincerely hope we will not need to fund.

Please note, we have eliminated the library improvement award due to budget cuts and Go Local project funding is still available. See for complete details.

There are various closing dates so read carefully the award description before completing the application. Also note there is some additional information concerning equipment purchases, especially mobile technology.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call 1-800-338-7657or email our office.

Is Your Community Prepared for Hurricane Season?

Monday, June 9th, 2008
assembled by Beth Wescott from the three AHRQ sites referenced

A new page is available on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(AHRQ) Web site to help community and emergency planners prepare for hurricanes and other natural disasters.  The tools and resources highlighted can help community and emergency planners:

  • Reopen shuttered hospitals to meet casualty demand;
  • Use community call centers for crisis support;
  • Provide mass medical care with scarce resources;
  • Evaluate hospital disaster drills; and
  • Locate nursing homes, hospitals, and available resources within communities or nearby States.

The free materials are available at

AHRQ also has a number of tools and resources that can be used during emergency events and natural disasters to assist in response and recovery efforts. Their site is

For more information on AHRQ’s other public health emergency preparedness tools and resources, visit

Men’s Health Week - June 9-15, 2008

Monday, June 9th, 2008

During the week leading up to Father’s Day, the nation recognizes Men’s Health Week (June 9-15). This campaign raises awareness about health problems that can often be prevented through good nutrition, regular exercise, routine health exams, and other elements of healthy living.

Tips for a Healthy Life for Men: Check out some healthy lifestyle tips that could make all the difference in your life, or in the life of a loved one. (from

Get Moving

Illustation of man exercising

Get Exams/ Screenings

Illustration of man having a checkup

Manage Stress

En español :

Día del padre en español :

Salud de los hombres en español :

New NLM Fact Sheet

Friday, June 6th, 2008

New NLM Fact Sheet about Errata, Retraction, Partial Retraction, Corrected and Republished Articles, Duplicate Publication, Comment, Update, Patient Summary, and Republished (Reprinted) Article Policy for MEDLINE®

Selected and reprinted from: and

Users who search MEDLINE will be informed if they retrieve a citation for an article that has been corrected by an erratum notice, retracted or partially retracted, corrected and republished, been found to duplicate another article, generated a separately published commenting article, been updated by a subsequent article, if a summary for patients has been published, or has been republished (reprinted) in another journal.

Comment or Correction Type MEDLINE Display Field Tag Description
Comment on (CON) cites the reference upon which the article comments; began use with journal issues published in 1989.
Comment in (CIN) cites the reference containing a commentary about the article (appears on citation for original article); began use with journal issues published in 1989.
Erratum in (EIN) cites a published erratum to the article (appears on citation for original article); began use in 1987.
Erratum for (EFR) cites the original article for which there is a published erratum.
Corrected and Republished in (CRI) cites the final, correct version of a corrected and republished article (appears on citation for original article). Began use in 1987 as Republished in (RPI); renamed in 2006.
Corrected and Republished from (CRF) cites the original article subsequently corrected and republished. Began use in 1987 as Republished from (RPF); renamed in 2006.
Partial retraction in (PRIN) cites the reference containing a partial retraction of the article (appears on citation for original article); began use in 2007.
Partial retraction of (PROF) cites the article being partially retracted; began use in 2007.
Republished in (RPI) cites the subsequent (and possibly abridged) version of a republished article (appears on citation for original article); began use in 2006.
Republished from (RPF) cites the first, originally published article; began use in 2006.
Retraction in (RIN) cites the retraction of the article (appears on citation for original article); began use in August 1984.
Retraction of (ROF) cites the article(s) being retracted; began use in August 1984.
Update in (UIN) cites an updated version of the article (appears on citation for original article); began limited use in 2001.
Update of (UOF) cites the article being updated; limited use; began limited use in 2001.
Summary for patients in (SPIN) cites a patient summary article; began use in November 2001 (these records contain Publication Type, Patient Education Handout). See the article ‘Patient Education Handouts in MEDLINE®/PubMed®‘ in the NLM Technical Bulletin at for more information.
Original report in (ORI) cites a scientific article associated with the patient summary.

About Georgia Health - Go Local

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

Georgia Go Local logo


Go Local ( is a federally-funded initiative to link users of MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) premier consumer health information website, to health services and providers in their local community. The Go Local initiative enables a patient or consumer anywhere in Georgia to visit the MedlinePlus website ( for information on a health topic or condition (diabetes, for example) and then be able to link directly to a Georgia Health Go Local website to locate related services, healthcare providers or institutions, support groups, advocacy organizations, etc. in their own county or zip code.


The libraries of Georgia’s four medical schools (Emory University, Medical College of Georgia, Mercer University School of Medicine, and Morehouse School of Medicine), GALILEO, Georgia 2-1-1, Georgia academic librarians, Georgia Health Sciences Library Association, Georgia Public Health Association, Georgia Public Library Service, Georgia Rural Health Association, Georgia AHECs, and others, have helped implement an NLM “Go Local Project” in the state. Project coordinators for the statewide project are Jan LaBeause, Director of the Library and Peyton T. Anderson Learning Resources Center at the Mercer University School of Medicine, and Susan Smith, Health and Education Liaison/Reference Librarian, Georgia State University. A multidisciplinary, statewide advisory board created in July 2005 provides guidance and establishes policies.


The project is being implemented in phases, first incorporating existing databases, services and resources such as the GRID database (Georgia Rural Health Interactive Directory) at the Medical College of Georgia; the Department of Community Health’s (DCH) listing of all licensed health facilities in Georgia; and Georgia’s 2-1-1 information and referral services. Once these resources have been successfully utilized as the basis for Georgia’s Go Local website, we will systematically begin to add resources county by county across Georgia.

June NIH News in Health Now Online

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

Adapted by Beth Wescott from information at:

The June issue of NIH News in Health, the monthly newsletter bringing you practical health news and tips based on the latest NIH research, is now online at In this issue of NIH News in Health:

More than a Feeling: How the Arts Affect Your Health

For thousands of years, people have searched for the meaning and beauty of life in music, painting, poetry and other arts. Now scientists are finding that the arts can benefit both your mental and physical health.

What Makes Your Head Hurt? Tension is the Most Common Culprit

If you suffer from headaches, you’re not alone. Headaches are one of the most common health complaints. But only rarely do they warn of a serious illness.

Health Capsules:

June Is Home Safety Month

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Home should be a place of comfort and safety, and yet more than 20 million Americans seek medical treatment each year following a home injury. Between fires, falls, poisons, choking, and drowning, the home can actually pose a lot of dangers. June is Home Safety Month, making it a good time to run through a quick home safety checklist (pdf). For more detailed guidelines on specific sources of concern in the home, visit’s Homeowner’s Resources page, safety topics:

En español : Seguridad en el hogar