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The Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) was chartered in January 1990, to provide the Secretary with timely, balanced, external advice on issues of importance to the Secretary. SEAB replaced the Energy Research Advisory Board (ERAB) which had been in operation since 1978 as the principal scientific advisory committee to the Department of Energy.

The mission of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board is to provide advice,in formation, and recommendations to the Secretary of Energy on the Department's basic and applied research activities, economic and national security policy, educational issues, laboratory management, and on any other activities and operations of the Department of Energy as the Secretary may direct. Much of its work is conducted through subcommittees. Subjects and links to current subcommittees and completed task forces are listed below.

Nuclear Weapons Complex Infrastructure Task Force

In January 2005, Secretary Abraham requested that the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) form a subcommittee to provide the Board and the Secretary of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration with an independent assessment leading to options and recommendations to modernize, consolidate, and, where possible, to reduce costs of the infrastructure and facilities across the nuclear weapons complex based upon recent stockpile reductions and new security Design Basis Threat requirements.

Science and Mathematics Education Task Force

In September 2004, the Secretary of Energy requested the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board form a subcommittee, the Science and Mathematics Education Task Force, to advise the Board and the Secretary on how the Department of Energy can most effectively utilize its scientific and technical resources, including its national laboratories, to inspire, educate, and encourage a new generation of career scientists and engineers to meet the challenges of the future and enhance the scientific literacy of the nation. The Task Force was asked to build upon the Secretary's Science Education Initiative and recommend short-term and long-term initiatives that the Department and its national laboratories should pursue to leverage their resources to address the need for skilled scientists, engineers and technicians needed for the Department and the nation to achieve the scientific and technical advances essential to our future and the security of the nation. The Task Force's recommendations were requested to complement the major efforts of the National Science Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Education, and other federal agencies.

Nuclear Energy Task Force

In July 2004, Secretary Abraham requested that the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) form a subcommittee to provide the Board and the Secretary of Energy with an independent assessment of the issues key factors which must be addressed if the Federal government and industry are to commit to the financing, construction, and deployment of new nuclear power generation plants to meet the nation's electric power demands in the 21st Century. The task force was asked to provide the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board with an actionable plan to resolve these issues, resolve barriers and facilitate the deployment of new nuclear generation facilities. Because of the importance that nuclear power be considered in the relatively near-term, the task force was asked to consider only issues associated with thermal reactor systems using the current once-through fuel cycle. The Nuclear Energy Task Force completed their draft final report and it is currently awaiting review and approval by the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board.

Task Force on Energy, Technologies and the American Economy

The Task Force on Energy, Technologies and the American Economy was approved by the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board at the Board's Thirty-First Plenary Meeting on May 8, 2002. The objective of this subcommittee is to provide the Board and the Secretary of Energy with appraisals and recommendations regarding the applicability of recent developments and trends in a number of industry sectors to future Department of Energy endeavors. The scope of the Task Force will address questions related to the recommendations and implementation of the President's National Energy Policy (NEP) and its affects on the competitiveness of firms in the industry sectors addressed. The subcommittee will examine research and technology advances in various industry sectors to identify developments that could help address future national energy challenges, as well as industry applications that could benefit from research and technology efforts underway within DOE.

Laboratory Operations Board

The Laboratory Operations Board was established by the Secretary of Energy in April of 1995 to provide focused, regular attention to issues facing the Department's laboratory complex. The Laboratory Operations Board's fundamental goal is to help facilitate productive cost-effective utilization of the Department of Energy's laboratory system. The Board assists the Department in bringing sharpened focus to the missions of the laboratories and ensuring speedy resolution of issues and problems across the integrated laboratory system.

The External Members of the Laboratory Operations Board completed their draft final report on the evaluation process for the national laboratories. The draft final report of the External Members of the Laboratory Operations Board, titled Evaluation Processes for the National Laboratories, dated December 20, 2004; has been submitted to the SEAB for action at the next Plenary meeting.

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