ePMA. The U.S. Department of Eneregy electronic proposal management application.

Field Budget Call Instructions

The CFO's guidance for the Field Budget Call contains an error in the instructions for submission for the Office of Science. Please do not attempt to use the ePMA system. All submissions to the Office of Science should be done using the Interim FWP Submission process. These instructions can be accessed using these links:
If you have any questions regarding this notice or the Interim process, please contact Dave Henderson at OSTI (865-576-4665)

Notice to Users:

The ePMA System has been taken offline.
A Process for Submitting FWPs to the Office of Science
is Available Now

The Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) is developing a new on-line tool for the submission and access of Laboratory Field Work Proposals (FWPs). This new tool is to be called Searchable FWP and it is expected to be released by the end of FY 2008.

From now until the launch of this new tool, a new process has been developed for submitting FWPs to the Office of Science. This new process, called the Interim FWP System, should now be used.

The link below will take you to a set of Instructions for how to submit your FWP to SC in lieu of the ePMA system.


Please contact Dave Henderson at OSTI (865-576-4665) or Joanna Martin at SC-Headquarters (301-903-9617) with any questions as these Instructions are executed.

For Information on Submitting FWPs to the
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Please contact Patrick Booher (202-586-0713), Dave Boron (202-586-0080),
or Jim Fremont (202-586-5735).

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U.S. Department of Energy

Page updated: February 14, 2008