National Institute for Literacy

Configuring Mail Clients to Send Plain Text Messages

Why send emails in plain text?

Most email programs allow users to include attachments (converted into MIME) or HTML formatting within email messages. Email formatting makes URLs into clickable links and can include graphic images and text formatting. While this makes your email interesting it may cause problems for people receiving your email. All programs and operating systems treat email differently and the formatted email you send may have a completely different look than you intended when your receiver opens the email.

Sending files as attachments in email is also almost universal and a valuable email feature, however, you always need to be aware of what computer program and operating system the person receiving the attachment is using. If they do not have the proper software or operating system, they will not be able to open the attachment.

Most importantly, HTML formatted messages or messages containing attachments can leave unwanted and destructive files known as malware on a computer. A great deal of anti-virus software has been developed and is now being used throughout the internet, however, this software must constantly be updated because new viruses and other types of malware are being propagated all the time.

We can help prevent the spread of these malicious programs and ensure the most universally readable messages by posting mailing list messages in plain text format (ASCII text format).

Setting your email client to send email in plain text format

There are a wide variety of email programs, including but not limited to, what follows below. Find your email program and follow the step by step instructions to send a message to the list in plain text format.

Agent/Free Agent

Agent currently does MIME quoted printable. Free Agent does not.

The MIME quoted printable option can be configured separately for each language you have configured in Agent.

  • Select Options
  • Select General Preferences
  • Select Languages
  • Under Usenet Text and email Text, make sure MIME is off.

CompuServe 2000

Compuserve 2000 only supports Windows 95/98 and closely resembles AOL because it uses an identical installation routine, the same email client, and a similar interface. CompuServe 2000 also shares the same V.90 network as AOL.

So to send plain text email using CompuServe 2000, see the instructions for AOL 5.0 and earlier .

Comcast Web Mail

  • From the left side menu, choose Mail Options
  • Click Composing E-mails
  • Click on Compose messages as plain text
  • Click on OK

Your email sent via Comcast Web Mail will now be sent as Plain Text.

Earthlink 5.0

  • From the Tools menu, choose Configure
  • Click the Mail button
  • Click on the Send tab
  • Click the down arrow on the Send message format drop-down list and choose Plain Text
  • Click on OK

The text of your email will now be sent as Plain Text.

Entourage 2001 (MacIntosh)

Microsoft Entourage is a new email and personal information manager that makes it easy to communicate with others and organize your personal information.

Entourage comes bundled with Office:Mac 2001. It is only available for Macintosh. Since it was built from the foundation provided by Outlook Express for Mac, the instructions are somewhat similar to that program.

  • Select "Preferences" from the Edit menu then "Mail and News"
  • Click on "Compose" tab
  • Under Messages, set the pull-down menus for "Mail Format" and "News Format" to plain text
  • Click the "Reply & Forward" tab, uncheck "Reply to messages using the format in which they sent"
  • Click on OK

Entourage X (MacIntosh)

Microsoft Entourage X complete email and personal information management program designed specifically for Mac OS X.

Entourage comes bundled with Office v.X. It is only available for Macintosh. Since it was built from the foundation provided by Outlook Express for Mac, the instructions are somewhat similar to that program.

  • Select "Mail & News Preferences" from the Entourage tab
  • Click on "Compose" tab
  • Under Messages, set the pull-down menus for "Mail Format" and "News Format" to plain text
  • Click the "Reply & Forward" tab, uncheck "Reply to messages using the format in which they sent"
  • Click on OK

Eudora Light v3.0.5 and earlier

You can have Eudora warn you before sending messages that contain styled text or HTML.

  • Click on Tools: Options
  • Select the Extra Warnings category
  • Check the box for Warn me when I "Queue a message with Styled Text".

If you want to make sure that you never accidentally send a message with styled or HTML text, you can have Eudora automatically discard the styles before sending any message.

  • Click on Tools: Options
  • Select the Styled Text tab
  • Check the box for "Discard styles before sending messages"
  • Click on Tools: Options
  • Select the Sending Mail category
  • Uncheck the check box for "May use quoted-printable"

This means that even if your message is filled with bold and italics, colors, and font changes, the message will be sent out without any of this formatting; instead it will be stripped down to the basic plain text before Eudora sends it. Also, the quoted-printable method of character encoding (used by non-US versions for foreign character recognition) can cause some formatting problems for some mail readers. If you do not need to type these foreign characters, you should turn off the quoted- printable option.

Eudora Light v3.0.6

If you want to make sure that you never accidentally send a message with styled or HTML text, you can have Eudora automatically discard the styles before sending any message.

  • Click on Tools: Options
  • Select the Sending Mail category
  • Uncheck the check box for "May use quoted-printable"

This means that even if your message is filled with bold and italics, colors, and font changes, the message will be sent out without any of this formatting; instead it will be stripped down to the basic plain text before Eudora sends it. Also, the quoted-printable method of character encoding (used by non-US versions for foreign character recognition) can cause some formatting problems for some mail readers. If you do not need to type these foreign characters, you should turn off the quoted- printable option.

Eudora Pro v4.0.2 and earlier

Eudora Pro has a "Styled Text" option, which makes messages available in RTF. Currently Eudora Pro doesn't support HTML within the body of a message. When posting a message to a mailing list, you can click on the button on the far right of each individual message's tool bar to "Clear Formatting." You can also set up the options to either warn you of outgoing messages that contain styled text or to discard the styles before sending the messages:

  • Click on Tools: Options
  • Highlight (Select) Styled Text
  • Check either or both of these boxes:
    • Warn me when I queue a message with styled text.
    • Discard styles before sending messages.

You can have Eudora turn off MIME encoding when sending messages that contain special characters.

Eudora automatically uses quoted-printable (MIME) encoding if your mail contains special characters. Eudora also uses quoted-printable encoding for attached plain text files.

Eudora Pro v4.2 and later

Eudora Pro has a "Styled Text" option, which makes messages available in HTML format within the body of a message. When posting a message to a mailing list, you can click on the button on the far right of each individual message's tool bar to "Clear Formatting." You can also set up the options to either send plain text or styled text or both.

  • Click on Tools: Options
  • Scroll down to and click on Styled Text Category
  • Check these 3 boxes:
    • Show formatting toolbar - If this is on, the formatting toolbar displays by default in new message windows. If this is off, the formatting toolbar is hidden by default in new message windows. This toolbar lets you easily format text styles in new messages.
    • Send plain text only
    • Ask me each time - If this is on, you are warned when you try to send or queue a message with text styles. And you are given the option to send a plain text version, an HTML version, or both in a single message.

You can have Eudora turn off MIME encoding when sending messages that contain special characters.

Eudora automatically uses quoted-printable (MIME) encoding if your mail contains special characters. Eudora also uses quoted-printable encoding for attached plain text files. If your recipients don't have MIME, then just turn off the QP button in the message icon bar when you are sending text files to those recipients.

Eudora v5.0

Eudora has a "Styled Text" option, which makes messages available in HTML format within the body of a message. When posting a message to a mailing list, you can click on the button on the far right of each individual message's tool bar to "Clear Formatting." You can also set up the options to either send plain text or styled text or both.

  • Click on Tools: Options
  • Scroll down to and click on Styled Text Category
  • Check these 3 boxes:
    • Show formatting toolbar - If this is on, the formatting toolbar displays by default in new message windows. If this is off, the formatting toolbar is hidden by default in new message windows. This toolbar lets you easily format text styles in new messages.
    • Send plain text only
    • Ask me each time - If this is on, you are warned when you try to send or queue a message with text styles. And you are given the option to send a plain text version, an HTML version, or both in a single message.

You can have Eudora turn off MIME encoding when sending messages that contain special characters.

Eudora automatically uses quoted-printable (MIME) encoding if your mail contains special characters. Eudora also uses quoted-printable encoding for attached plain text files. If your recipients don't have MIME, then just turn off the QP button in the message icon bar when you are sending text files to those recipients.


  • Click on "Compose tab", address the message and fill in the "Subject" line
  • Before composing the message, click on "Tools" (next to "Copy message to sent folder")
  • Click on "Rich-text editor OFF" to set off
  • NOTE: The toggle is actually counter-intuitive. That is, if the drop menu choice says "Rich -Text Editor OFF" RTF formatting is on. When the toggle shows "Rich -Text Editor ON" RTF formatting is off.
  • If you receive a pop up message "Are you sure you want to do this?" Click "OK" and wait for text formatting tools to disappear
  • NOTE: If you are using Netscape, then you will NOT be given the the choice to turn ON/OFF RTF formatting. Messages will be sent in plain text format.
  • Compose your plain text message
  • Send your plain text message

Juno v5.0

With Juno you can now send HTML email as well as plain text messages. The default format for new messages you compose in the Write screen is plain text. As you write your message and add any kind of formatting (color, images, font), the format automatically changes to HTML. If you know that the person you are sending the message to uses an email program that is not HTML compatible, make sure to change the message format to plain text (otherwise, the person might not be able to read your message).

To change the email message format to plain text:

  • On the Edit menu, point to email Message Format, point to View as and click Plain Text.
  • In the Remove Formatting dialog box, click Yes to change the format.

Outlook 97 (without Service Release 1 SR1)

The original version of Outlook 97 (the one without the Office 97 Service Release 1 (SR1) installed) automatically formats all messages you send when you hit the "Reply" button in Rich Text Format, which then shows as an attachment on a mailing list (or in any email program other than Microsoft Exchange or Outlook). This "Reply bug" can be fixed in any of the following four ways:

  1. Download and install the Office 97 Service Release 1 (SR1)
  2. Download and install inetmail.exe which updates Outlook 97.
  3. In the email box, double-click the email address. Clear the "Always send to this recipient in Windows Messaging Rich Text Format" check box. (Note: This must be done *each* time a message is sent via the Reply button.)
  4. Download and install "RTFGuard" written by Ben Goetter This will alert you when a message is about to be sent with RTF formatting, giving you the option to discard the formatting before sending.

If you are using your Outlook 97 address book to send messages to the mail list, make certain you do not have Rich Text Format selected for that address book entry:

  • Open the "Personal Address Book"
  • Double Click on the recipients name
  • Uncheck the check box " Always send to this recipient in Windows Messaging Rich Text Format"
  • Close Options window

Outlook 97 (with Service Release 1 SR1)

  • Select "Tools" then click on "Options..."
  • Click on "Internet email" tab
  • Click the circle next to "MIME" and not "UUENCODE"
  • Uncheck the check box "Allow 8-bit characters in headers"
  • Check the "Line wrap" box and set to 80 or less. Preferably 72
  • Make sure to use "US ASCII" character set
  • Click "OK"

If you are using your Outlook 97 address book to send messages to the mail list, make certain you do not have Rich Text Format selected for that address book entry:

  • Open the "Personal Address Book"
  • Double Click on the recipients name
  • Uncheck the check box " Always send to this recipient in Windows Messaging Rich Text Format"
  • Close Options window

Outlook 98 (Work group version)

  • Select "Tools" then click on "Options..."
  • Click on "Mail Format" tab
  • In "Send in this message format" area, select "Plain Text" from the drop- down box.
  • Click on "Internet email" tab
  • In "Internet email Sending Format" area, click the circle next to "MIME".
  • Uncheck the check box "Allow 8-bit characters in headers"
  • In the drop down box "Encode text using:", select "none"
  • Click "OK"

Outlook 98 (Internet version)

  • Select "Tools" then click on "Options..."
  • Click on "Mail Format" tab
  • In "Mail Formatting" area, select "Plain Text" from the drop- down box.
  • Click on "Settings..." button
  • Select "MIME"
  • In the drop down box "Encode text using:", select "none"
  • Click "OK"

Outlook 2000

  • Select "Tools" then click on "Options..."
  • Click on "Mail Format" tab
  • In the "Message Format" section, the pull-down menu in "Send in this message format" list offers three choices: Plain Text, Microsoft Rich Text, and HTML. Select Plain Text.
    NOTE: there is a "Send email using plain text only" checkbox on the properties sheet of an address book entry, but it doesn't do anything if you have the HTML mail format selected here.
  • Make sure the check box is unchecked (empty) in front of "Use Microsoft Word to edit email messages".
    NOTE: Outlook Help states that you can switch message formats after starting an email message, but this doesn't work if you use Word as your email editor, only if you use the internal Outlook mail editor (and then only switch between plain text and HTML formats).
  • Click OK

NOTE: Outlook 2000 uses what Microsoft calls Auto Format Reply. Due to the variety of message formats supported by different email clients, Outlook 2000 ensures that email recipients receive replies they can read easily. When users reply to a message, Outlook automatically uses the format of the original message. This is especially frustrating if you receive HTML email and wish to send Plain Text email.

To override the default for any individual message, click on the "Format" menu within the message and choose plain text format.

IMPORTANT: If you are using a version of Outlook 2000 that has been installed with the corporate workgroup installation you may discover that when you set email to send "Plain Text" that it has been changed to a formatted email by the email server. Contact your system administrator if this is the case.

Outlook 2002

Outlook 2002 eliminates the distinction between Corporate/Workgroup and Internet Mail Only modes. You can now change the format of a message you already received or created to make the message either easier for you to view or to send to someone else.

  • With the message open, on the menu bar: select "Format"
  • On the "Format" menu Select the format you want to change the message to: The menu list offers three choices: Plain Text, Microsoft Rich Text, and HTML. Select Plain Text.
  • If Microsoft Word is your email editor, these options may not be available.
    NOTE: Outlook Help states that you can switch message formats after starting an email message, but this doesn't work if you use Word as your email editor, only if you use the internal Outlook mail editor (and then only switch between plain text and HTML formats).
  • If you find your messages are still being received in "rich text" or html formatting, contact your email system administrator. The Exchange server may be converting your plain text messages to rich text or html automatically.

Outlook 2003 Web Access

Outlook 2003 Web Access, when viewed in Internet Explorer v. 6 and up, closely resembles the full version Outlook Desktop. Many of the functions of the original Outlook are now available using the Outlook 2003 Web Access. However, one major omission is the ability to convert messages to true plain text format!

The default message format seems to work with the NIFL Discussion lists as long as you make sure that the format is set at "Normal" and font set at "Times New Roman" Size set at 12.

As of June 2005, we have not found a way to convert to real plain text using Internet Explorer. However, if you are getting bounced messages sending to the NIFL lists, open the Outlook Exchange interface in any other browser such as Mozilla or Firefox. Since the default is set as plain text, you will easily be able to send in true plain text format. (the desktop, however, has the limited function of previous versions of Outlook web access.)

MS Internet Explorer 4.0, 5.0, 5.50 and 6.0

Unfortunately Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 4, 5, 5.50, and 6 come packaged with the program Outlook Express as its mail client whose default configuration is to send HTML formatted mail.

To configure Outlook Express to send text only messages see appropriate Outlook Express sections below:

Outlook Express 4.0

  • Select "Tools" then click on "Options..."
  • Click on "Send" tab
  • In the "Mail Sending Format" and "News Sending Format" sections, click on "Plain Text" bullet in both places
  • In the "Mail Sending Format" section, click on "Plain Text Settings..." button.
  • In the "Plain Text Settings" window and the Message format section
    • Click MIME bullet
    • Set "Encode text using:" to None.
    • Uncheck the "Allow 8-bit characters in headers"
    • Set Automatically wrap text at 72
    • Check the box in front of "Indent original text with > when replying or forwarding"
    • Click OK
  • All of your messages will now be sent as plain text. Outlook Express 4.x can also be configured to send Business Cards (also referred to as vCards) with your email. These are attachments, which show up as strings of unreadable code on most mailing lists. To turn these off:

    • Select "Tools" then click on "Stationery..."
    • In the "Signature" area, click on the "Signature" button.
    • In the "Personal Business Card" area, uncheck the check box in front of "Attach card to all outgoing messages"
    • Click on "OK" and on "OK" again.

Outlook Express 5.0, 5.50, and 6.00

  • Select "Tools" then click on "Options..."
  • Click on "Send" tab
  • In the "Mail Sending Format" and "News Sending Format" sections, click on "Plain Text" bullet in both places
  • In the "Mail Sending Format" section, click on "Plain Text Settings..." button.
  • In the "Plain Text Settings" window and the Message format section
    • Click MIME bullet
    • Set "Encode text using:" to None.
    • Uncheck the "Allow 8-bit characters in headers"
    • Set Automatically wrap text at 72
    • Check the box in front of "Indent the original text with > when replying or forwarding"
    • Click OK
  • In the "News Sending Format" section, click on "Plain Text Settings..." button.
  • In the "Plain Text Settings" window and the Message format section
    • Click MIME bullet
    • Set "Encode text using:" to None.
    • Uncheck the "Allow 8-bit characters in headers"
    • Set Automatically wrap text at 72
    • Check the box in front of "Indent the original text with > when replying or forwarding"
    • Click OK
  • While still in the "Send" tab, Uncheck "Reply to messages using the format in which they were sent"
  • Click on "Apply" and then on "OK".

NOTE: It has been brought to my attention that Outlook Express occasionally breaks all lines at the set margin after you send an email message on a reply or forward. So the lines Outlook Express marks with "> " get wrapped after the "> " mark and the recipeient gets something awful to look at and entirely different than what it looked like before you sent it.

To prevent this from happening, you may want to set the margin at 132 (maximum possible value) and break the lines at 72 to 75 characters manually.

All of your messages will now be sent as plain text. Outlook Express can also be configured to send Business Cards (also referred to as vCards) with your email. These are attachments, which show up as strings of unreadable code on most mailing lists. To turn these off:

  • Select "Tools" then click on "Options..."
  • Click on "Compose" tab
  • In the "Business Cards" area, uncheck the check boxes in front of Mail and News for "Include my business card when creating new messages."
  • Click on "Apply" and then on "OK".

MSN Explorer 6.0

MSN Explorer Tech support states "that MSN Explorer and send web-based HTML email ONLY and cannot be configured to send plain text."

However, if you use MSN as your mail service (i.e., you can simply go to and send email from there in plain text (via their so-called PASSPORT system). Same inbox, address book, etc.

You just have to remember to send or reply to POP3 and plain text email from Hotmail and not from MSN. A real nuisance but at least an option.

Unfortunately the transfer to Hotmail from MSN email takes you through 3 screens and requires you to reenter your password even if you checked the "remember my password" box.

See Hotmail above for details on how to send plain text email.

MSN Explorer 7.0

MSN Explorer Tech support states "that MSN Explorer and send web-based HTML email ONLY and cannot be configured to send plain text."

With version 7.0 of MSN you are now automatically connected to MSN, MSN Messenger Service and MSN calendar so that you no longer have to retype passwords.

If you use your MSN Hotmail sign-in name as your MSN Messenger sign-in, you can simply click on the link to logon directly to send plain text email from Hotmail.

You just have to remember to send or reply to POP3 and plain text email from Hotmail and not from MSN.

MSN 8.0

  • Go to your MSN mail Inbox
  • Click on "email settings" which is on the left side of the screen
  • Click on "Writing email Settings" second on the list
  • Click on 4th item down, "Test Formatting"
  • At the "How Do You Want To Format Your Messages" box, click on second button down "Use Plain Text for Compatibility..." In addition, choose the default encoding "Western European ISO" when sending emails
  • Save changes at the bottom of the screen
  • Click on "Mail and more" on the top toolbar to return you to your MSN Inbox

Mozilla 1.1

  • Select "Edit" then click on "Preferences..."
  • Click on the plus sign before "Mail & Newsgroups"
  • Click on "Message Composition" in left pane
  • In the "Forwarding and Replying to Messages" section, change the "Forward messages:" to Inline.
  • In the "Composing Messages" section, unckeck the box in front of "For messages that contain 8-bit characters..."
  • Click on "Send Format" in left pane
  • In the section "When sending message in HTML format...", click on the bullet in front of "Ask me what to do..."
  • Click on "OK".

Note the section titled "Plain Text and HTML Domains". You should add your mailing list domains under the "Plain Text Domains" to ensure that all email sent to a mailing list is always in plain text.

When in a new message screen (Compose)

  • Select "Options" in the taskbar
  • Select "Format"
  • Click on "Plain text only". The default is probably shown as "Auto-Detect"
  • Send the message

Netscape Communicator 7.1

  • Start Mail & Newsgroups
  • Click "Edit"
  • Select "Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings"
  • Uncheck the box in front of "Compose Messages in HTML Format"
  • As an alternative, you can select "View Settings for this Account" under "Accounts" after starting "Mail & Newsgroups".

  • Click OK

Netscape Communicator 7.0 (PR1 & Final)

  • Select "Edit" while in "Mail"
  • Click on the arrow symbol before "Mail & Newsgroups"
  • Uncheck the box in front of "Compose Messages in HTML Format"
  • Click OK

Lotus Notes R5

By default all mail in Lotus Notes is in the Notes Rich Text Format but may be set to MIME.

  • Choose File/Mobile/Edit Current Location
  • Select the mail tab
  • In the field, "Format for messages addressed to Internet addresses", select MIME Format instead of Rich Text Format.

To send mail or news postings in plain text or HTML or both:

  • Choose File/Preferences/User Preferences
  • Click the Mail and News Icon
  • Under "Internet message format" (or Internet News Format), choose an option:
  • Plain text
  • HTML format
  • HTML and Plain Text.

Mac OS X Mail

MIME and HTML are enabled by the mail program's default rich text format (RTF) but can easily be turned off on a message-by-message basis. Simply opening a new message window and then go to the "Format" menu and select "Make Plain Text".

You can turn off RTF permanently by going to the "Mail Menu" and select "Preferences" then choose "Composing". At the top of the new window select "Format: Plain Text". Now all outgoing messages are plain text by default.

NOTE: AOL 10.2.1 for Mac OS X appears incapable of sending plain text email.

Novell Groupwise 1

When composing mail:

  • Click on "View"
  • Then select either "Plain Text" or "HTML"
The client then remembers that setting.

WARNING: The GW client will turn the HTML setting back on all by itself if the user receives or reads email that has been MIME encoded with HTML.

Poco v2.xx

Poco supports receiving and sending of both Styled mail (also known as HTML mail) and plain text mail.

  • Make sure the Style toolbar is showing (View, Show Style Toolbar menu)
  • To send a plain message, depress the Styled button. The state of Styled button and the menu can be saved to default to your preferred state, in Program Options (F7), Defaults section.

Yahoo Mail

NOTE: Some features are only available to IE users. Netscape and other browsers will not show formating options even if selected.

After signing in to Yahoo Mail:

  • Click the "Mail Options" text link in the top right of the page
  • Click on "General Preferences"
  • Under "Composing E-mails" choose the "Compose messages as plain text" mode.
  • Under "Message Actions" select "forward as in-line text" for forwarding messages.
  • Click Save button located in the bottom left of the page
  • Once back in the "Mail Options" page select "Signature"
  • If "Color and Graphics" are bolded over the editor window, click "Plain" or if you choose, you can unclick the "Add signature to all outgoing messages" and no signature will be added to your email.
  • Click Save


There are some sites on the 'net like How To Use HTML In WebTV email that inform users to add HTML coding to their WebTV signature, PLEASE IGNORE THIS BAD ADVICE!

WebTV users should NEVER leave an HTML signature "added" when posting anywhere outside of the WebTV Community OR emailing to a non-WebTV user. Unless you remove it, they will probably receive your message as an attachment and will be less than happy with you. Attachments are the number one purveyor of viruses. See WebTV Flood virus for example.

How to Set Up a Signature and Remove HTML coding

  • Click on Setup on the sidebar
  • Click on Signature
  • Remove the HTML codes (if any) from the text entry box
  • Add a simple maximum 4-line signature in the text entry box
  • Click Done
  • Click Done again

If you using an HTML signature, then you MUST make sure to remove it before posting to non-WebTV users. Your mail should be compatible with other user's systems by using only plain text and no HTML.

  • On the WebTV email "Write Page"
  • Click on "Remove Signature" at left of "Send" button
  • Send email

NOTE: The default in the WebTV email Write page is set to include the signature.


ABOUT NOVELL GROUPWISE: Generally it is assumed that the email server does not alter the message at all, and that the sender and their client software is entirely in control of the message which is sent. In some systems, such as Lotus ccMail, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange or Novell Groupwise, the client and server do not follow this model, do not use Internet standards and do not necessarily follow the conventions and standards of Internet email. In those cases compatibility with Internet standards may be handled by a third item of software - a gateway. Thus there can be problems of a significant difference between what the sender sees when they write the email (which is probably similar to how it appears to recipients in their office), and what is actually sent to Internet recipients.

Users of Internet compliant software sometimes disparage the continued use of proprietary systems such as Novell Groupwise or Lotus Notes, based on the awkward or hard-to-read emails they sometimes receive from these systems. However their continued use is inevitable since within their own system they provide additional powerful "groupware" functionality which is valuable to larger organizations and which cannot currently be provided with standard Internet protocols. All these systems can be configured to respect Internet technical standards and conventions (although perhaps not in a way which the sender can see or control) - the problem is that they are sometimes mis-configured by default, creating difficulties for all their users.

Some email client programs can be configured (or are configured by default) to send each paragraph as one long line. Some email systems such as Groupwise (and apparently Lotus Notes), have a single setting in the server (the Message Transfer Agent, which may include a SMTP gateway) which either wraps all outgoing emails of all users to a particular line length, or sends all emails of all users with each paragraph as an arbitrarily long line (unless the user manually sets the line length by pressing "enter"). In neither case does the user control this single, system-wide, setting. Nor may the server's wrapping correspond to what they see on screen when writing. Arbitrarily long lines can be sent within SMTP standards using the "quoted-printable" MIME type.

If such arbitrarily long lines are sent as plain text, then the 1,000 character limit of SMTP may be reached and the sending client or system may wrap the line arbitrarily there, or may send it out longer than 1,000 characters. If this happens, a recipient SMTP server may reject it, or break the line. In one instance a plain text email from Groupwise 4.2 exceeded the 1,000 character per line limit. That paragraph, of 1,253 characters was broken in mid word by a SMTP server just before the 1,000th character. This and later versions of Groupwise are used in a significant number of VET institutes, where the system is valued for many functions apart from its Internet email capabilities.

Quoting styles. The established approach to quoting a line of text: "> " or ">" is no longer the only approach. Other methods, which are the default in Groupwise and perhaps other clients or email systems, are much harder to understand, at least in some circumstances, since they mark only the start of the paragraph as a comment, rather than the start of each line. A plethora of incompatible quoting styles is a source of error and frustration for novices and experienced users alike - so an operational guideline standardise on "> " or ">" was decided upon, with the matter to be reviewed within 12 months or so.

The issue regarding line wrapping is indeed set at the gateway - in Groupwise 5.2 and up, this is known as the "GWIA". There are additional settings controlling the type of MIME encoding, etc. Additionally, in GW5.5 EP (for Enhancement Pack) and higher on Windows, HTML first became available for reading and authoring mail (provided Internet Explorer is installed).

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Last updated: Monday, 28-Apr-2008 08:17:13 EDT