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Carbon Sequestration
Terrestrial Project Descriptions

Enhancing Carbon Sequestration and Reclamation of Degraded Lands with Fossil-Fuel Combustion By-Products
Project # FEAA049

Primary Performing Organization
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

This project pursues the long-term storage of fossil-fuel by-products in degraded soil to foster carbon sequestration.  Success of the project will lead to (1) an increase in the carbon content of soils and a consequent decrease of net CO2 emissions, (2) waste products typically dumped in a landfill being put to a beneficial use, and (3) marginal lands restored to productive use as forests, pastures, agricultural lands, or recreational areas.  In short, the successful use of by-products from fossil fuel combustion to improve poor soil will benefit carbon sequestration efforts, utilize waste products, and increase soil fertility.

The research focus of the project is on the characterization of unburned carbon in fly ash from coal fired power plants and in the residue from the chemical decomposition of biomass to determine their suitability as soil additives, both alone and in various combinations with other coal combustion products.

In addition to contrasting the characteristics of coal-char and bio-char, the project will explore the potential usefulness of soil additives containing various combinations of fly ash and char to promote soil carbon sequestration and the restoration of degraded lands.  Upon completion of laboratory tests one or more additive protocols will be recommended and an experimental plan for a subsequent field trial will be developed where the protocol(s) can be tested under actual conditions.

Project Manager:  Heino Beckert,

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