Sign the Petition!

America's workers are putting in more hours than ever and still struggling to make ends meet. Meanwhile, corporate CEOs enjoy salaries 180 times higher than their average employees.

So how do we level the playing field and get our economy back on track? Good union jobs are the place to start. The Employee Free Choice Act can help restore the American Dream by making it easier for workers to form unions. Support this bill and help us reach 1 million signatures! You also have the option of uploading your photo. We'll share the photos we collect with lawmakers so they can see the faces of everyone who cares about this issue.

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To: The New President and Congress

I urge you to enact the Employee Free Choice Act immediately. This crucial legislation will protect workers’ freedom to choose a union and bargain, without management intimidation. Allowing more workers to freely join unions and bargain with their employers will help rebuild the middle class by expanding healthcare, improving retirement security and raising the standard of living for America’s working families. My bargaining rights are worth working for and voting for!