Using Fire Danger Pocket Cards

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Fire Danger Pocket Cards

Pocket Cards PowerPoint Presentation
(May take several minutes to download due to file size.)
Tip: Use your mouse to click through presentation after opening the PowerPoint. The PowerPoint can also be saved to your computer for presentation use.

• In response to the Thirtymile Accident Prevention Plan the Chief of the USDA-Forest Service directed that each fireline supervisor will be issued a pocket card for the fuel types on their home unit.

• Additionally, fireline supervisors will be issued a pocket card before deployment on assignment by the receiving unit.

• Pocket Cards are intended to enhance firefighter Situational Awareness through:

o Relating current conditions to historical thresholds of fire danger
o Visualizing measurements of fire danger indicators and relationships.

The PowerPoint Presentation will assist firefighters in using Pocket Cards and in better understanding the information contained in Pocket Cards.


National Interagency Fire Center
3833 S. Development Avenue
Boise, Idaho 83705
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