Logo, National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute

Course Description - S-520 Advanced Incident Management

March 2-7 , 2009

Target Group

Any person available to fill a national level interagency Type I Incident Management Team position as an Incident Commander, Planning Section Chief, Operations Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, Finance Section Chief, Safety Officer, or Information Officer, or any person to become certified in one of these positions at the Type I complexity level.


Individuals must be functionally certified and qualified at the Type II level for the position they will be filling at the course. Nominations must be submitted with a current fire qualifications record and with a narrative statement giving a brief background of the person nominated. Include a description of the intended use of the skills developed as a result of attending S-520. Previous attendance at S-420 is recommended.


Given a simulated complex fire situation, students will effectively perform functional and team responsibilities. Individual performance must meet established criteria for successful completion of the course.

Course Description

Using classroom lecture and simulated incidents the student will understand the role and function of a Type I Incident Management Team, the applicability of management principles to the incident management job, and the special considerations of incident management within geographic areas of the nation.

Early Nomination Rationale

Early nomination has been requested to give those nominated the necessary mentoring and prework assignments for the course. Prework assignments to begin in June, 2007.

Important Dates

Notification of Pre-Selection: March, 2008
Final Notification of Selection: December 15, 2008

Nomination Process

Submit all nominations to the Geographic Area Coordination Groups who will make priority assignments on an interagency basis, and they will send the nominations to NAFRI for selection and notification.

Course Coordinator: Deborah Corner, (520) 799-8752; fax (520) 799-8785