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 DOE-ID Press Releases and Video Clips

DOE-ID Press Releases
01/14/09 Farewell open house set for Elizabeth Sellers
01/06/09 DOE Idaho Operations Office Manager Elizabeth Sellers leaving Department
12/18/08 Third Buried Waste Retrieval Project under way at DOE Idaho Site
12/17/08 Draft Environmental Assessment on the Remote-handled Waste Disposition Project available for public review and comment
12/10/08 DOE Extends Deadline for Draft GNEP PEIS Comment Period 24 Kb
12/01/08 Agencies Publish Final Environmental Impact Statement on Energy Corridor Designation in the West 31 Kb
11/18/08 DOE hosts public hearings in Idaho Falls and around the nation to gather comments on its Draft Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
10/29/08 DOE Seeks contractor to Disposition Waste at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project (AMWTP)
10/21/08 Energy Department retains INL contractor
until 2014
10/20/08 DOE Announces Availability of GNEP EIS Public hearing scheduled in Idaho Falls on Nov. 20
10/09/08 DOE-State of Idaho Settlement Fund Creates 5,000 New Jobs 21 Kb
10/07/08 Agencies sign record of decision for remediation and closure of DOE landfill.
09/25/08 Power Burst Facility (PBF) Reactor Reactor Decommissioning
09/17/08 Agencies complete comprehensive environmental study of Snake River Plain Aquifer beneath DOE’s Idaho Site; meetings scheduled
09/08/08 NRC Dockets Yucca Mountain Application, Adopts DOE’S Environmental Impact Statement
09/04/08 Integrated Safety Management Workshop - Building Mission Success
08/27/08 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Acting Deputy Secretary Jeffrey F. Kupfer
08/27/08 Integrated Safety Management- Building Mission Success
08/18/08 DOE, NRC Issue Licensing Roadmap For Next-Generation Nuclear Plant 38 Kb
07/31/08 DOE Announces Contracts to Achieve $140 Million in Energy Efficiency Improvements to DOE Facilities 81 Kb
07/31/08 Congress Must Work Now (WT), By Samuel W. Bodman 25 Kb
07/23/08 Remarks as Prepared for Delivery for Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Dennis R. Spurgeon Second Annual Nuclear Fuel Cycle Monitor Global Nuclear Renaissance Summit Alexandria, VA -
40 Kb
07/23/08 U.S. Department of Energy Awards $7.3 million for “Deep-Burn” Gas-Reactor Technology Research & Development - 54 Kb
07/23/08 Deep-Burn Awardees - 8 Kb
07/01/08 The State of Idaho and the Department of Energy Buried Waste Agreement - AGREEMENT TO IMPLEMENT U.S. DISTRICT COURT ORDER DATED MAY 25, 2006 43 Kb
07/01/08 The State of Idaho and the Department of Energy Buried Waste Agreement - Appendix A-F
1923 Kb
07/01/08 Background on Buried Waste at the INL Site
131 Kb
07/01/08 Facts Sheet: Cleaning Up the Idaho Site: U.S. Department of Energy Performance to Date ...a fact sheet regarding performance under the Idaho Settlement Agreement and other legal agreements.  17 Kb
07/01/08 State, Federal Government Agree on INL Cleanup Plan
06/23/08 Agencies propose to commence exhumation in third buried waste retrieval area 57 Kb
06/12/08 Fact Sheet: Gas Prices and Oil Consumption Would Increase Without Biofuels 38 Kb
06/12/08 DOE Announces International Agreement on Global Science Online Gateway 28 Kb
06/03/08 Remarks as Prepared for Delivery for Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman Yucca Mountain Press Conference National Press Club Washington, D.C. 28 Kb
06/03/08 DOE Marks Milestone in Submitting Yucca Mountain License Application 26 Kb
06/02/08 The Citizen's Advisory Board Supports processing off-site transuranic waste at the INL Site 140 Kb
06/02/08 Agencies extend deadline for draft Record of Decision
05/30/08 WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today released the 2007 edition of its Annual Report on U.S. Wind Power Installation... 38 Kb
05/22/08 Elizabeth Sellers, manager of the Department of Energy's Idaho Operations Office, responded recently to concerns raised about DOE's plans to ship transuranic waste to Idaho for treatment prior to disposal in New Mexico. Following is Ms. Sellers' response.
04/30/08 U.S. Department of Energy to invest up to $7.3 million for "Deep Burn" gas reactor technology R&D
04/15/08 DOE Co-Sponsors Earth Day Activities
04/03/08 CH2M-WG Idaho, LLC. News Release, Agencies extend deadline for draft Record of Decision for Radioactive Waste Management Complex remediation 16 Kb
03/21/08 Facility Representative Program ID Selects FR of the Year
03/20/08 DOE Cites Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC for Worker Safety and Health Violations
03/07/08 Idaho Site to Provide Waste Treatment for Other DOE Sites
02/22/08 Intermountain CFC Raises $2,502,457 for Charity in 2007
02/13/08 DOE Assistant Secretary Dennis Spurgeon
02/04/08 President Bush Requests $25 Billion for U.S. Department of Energy’s FY 2009 Budget 67 Kb
01/17/08 Department of Energy Considers Comments on Buried Waste Cleanup
01/09/08 Montana Delegation Visit January 9, 2008
01/08/08 WIPP Receives 100th Remote-Handled Waste Shipment
12/11/07 DOE, Tribes sign a renewal of the Agreement in Principle
12/05/07 DOE-Idaho Leads Regional Combined Federal Campaign
11/28/07 INL Equipment to Aid Regional Response Team
11/21/07 DOE’s Idaho Operations Office Manager Elizabeth Sellers wins a Meritorious Presidential Rank Award
11/15/07 Waste Area Group 7 Proposed Plan
10/22/07 Agencies seek public comment on alternatives for cleanup of buried waste at INL site - 51 Kb
10/02/07 Engineering Test Reactor (ETR) Vessel Relocated
09/24/07 U.S. Department of Energy Keeps Its Cleanup Commitments By Elizabeth Sellers
07/26/07 Thanks to Our Neighbors in Fighting Fire on INL
07/11/07 Pit 9 Project Structures Removed
06/29/07 Agencies complete comprehensive investigation for radioactive and hazardous waste landfill; agree to extend document submittal milestone
06/20/07 DOE to Provide up to $2.5 Million to Implement Solar Energy Technologies in Utah
06/19/2007 Facility Representative Program Outstanding at ID
04/17/07 DOE completes environmental assessment on INL National Security Test Range
04/04/07 Department of Energy Extends Opportunity for Public Comment on the Scope of the GNEP Environmental Impact Statement WASHINGTON, DC
03/21/07 U.S. Department of Energy completes environmental assessment for INL Science and Technology Campus
03/12/07 DOE seeks public input on scope of environmental review for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership
DOE-ID Video Clips
07/01/08 Highlights of Press Conference on the State, Federal Government INL Cleanup Plan - 5 minutes (17.5MB Windows Media Video) No Script Available
07/01/08 Idaho Cleanup Project Buried Waste Process Overview at the INL -
3 minutes (6.2 MB Windows Media Video)
No Script Available
09/07/07 DOE-Idaho Deputy Manager for Nuclear Energy Ray Furstenau talks about the ATR National Scientific User Facility - 3.45 minutes (10MB Windows Media Video) No Script Available
09/07/07 DOE-Idaho Assistant Manager Scott Van Camp talks about Idaho's Tank Farm Cleanup Project - 3.3 minutes (9.5MB Windows Media Video) No Script Available
09/07/07 DOE-Idaho Deputy Manager for Nuclear Energy Ray Furstenau talks about the ATR National Scientific User Facility - 3.5 minutes
(10MB Windows Media Video)
No Script Available
07/02/07 DOE-Idaho Manager Beth Sellers Looks at Year of Accomplishment at INL - 3 minutes (5.7MB Windows Media Video) Read Script
23kb PDF
03/07/07 Video of Dennis Spurgeon speech
- 7 minutes (9.2MB Windows Media Video)
No Script Available
03/07/07 Groundbreaking for the new Center for Advance Energy Studies in Idaho Falls - 4 minutes (5.3MB Windows Media Video) Read Script
44kb PDF


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