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IA Total Funding:PART 2SIGNATURE BLOCK This agreement is entered into pursuant to the authority of the Economy Act, FAR 17.5, and 31 USC 1535. This IA is subject to the USA Contact Terms and Conditions, which follow, as well as any attachments incorporated therein. The Client will ensure that the IA is signed by the agency Head of Contracting Activity, or higher position within the agency chain of contracting command. 14. Client Approval* __________________________________ _________ NAME: DATE TITLE: __________________________________ _________ NAME: DATE TITLE:15. GSA/FCIC Approval ________________________ _________ NAME: DATE TITLE:*The first signature block represents the concurrence of the requiring activity. The second block must be signed by Chief of the Contracting Office cognizant for the requiring activity being serviced, or by the client agencys Senior Procurement Executive. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Purpose. This Interagency Agreement (IA) constitutes an agreement between the client and GSA, FCIC. This agreement becomes effective when signed by both the client and FCIC, and remains in effect until cancelled, in writing, by mutual agreement of the client and FCIC. This IA consists of the IA Cover Page, these 3 pages of GSA/FCIC terms and conditions, and any attachments referenced in Blocks 9 and/or 10 of the IA Cover Page, and constitute the complete agreement between the parties. Except for post-award task order administration responsibilities as specified in section 3 below, this document does not represent a delegation of procurement authority. Authority. This IA is entered into pursuant to the following authority:  FORMCHECKBOX  Economy Act Agreement for Purchasing Goods & Services, 31 USC 1535  FORMCHECKBOX  Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief & Emergency Assistance Act 42 USC 5797 Scope and responsibilities. The specific responsibilities of the respective parties to this IAA are specified in Attachment A, which is hereby incorporated into this IAA. Certifications. In entering into this Interagency Agreement, the Client agency certifies that the following are true: % That the individual signing this Interagency Agreement on behalf of the client agency has the authority to do so, and % That the client agency has performed sufficient market research on this requirement to determine that a small business set-aside, as contemplated in FAR 19.5 , is not appropriate for this acquisition, and that your agencys Procurement Center Representative and/or small business specialist concurs with that determination in accordance with your agencys procedure, and % That the appropriate client agency official has determined that no federal employees will be displaced by contracting out this requirement and that a public-private competition, in accordance with OMB Circular A-76, need not be held in order to contract out this requirement, and % That it has been determined to be in the best interest of the agency to have GSA perform an assisted acquisition, in accordance with OFPP policy guide  Interagency Acquisitions , dated 6 June 2008. Funding, Invoicing, and Payment. The client shall provide documentation that sufficient funding has been committed by a funds certifying officer. The funds will not be transferred to the FCIC revolving fund. The client shall be responsible for payment of all contractor invoices. The Client agencys line of accounting shall be cited in all contracts, orders, and modification obligations that are issued in accordance of this IAA. Costs. The estimated cost to the Government for this requirement, including option periods, is $ . Cancellation. This agreement, or any task order issued pursuant to this agreement, may be cancelled upon 30 days written notice by either party. Such cancellation will be executed only by the signature approval of the parties to this agreement, or their designees, or by their respective official successors. If this agreement is cancelled, any implementing order may be terminated for convenience. If the cancellation of this agreement, or any task order issued under it, is cancelled, the client assumes responsibility for all resulting costs. Disputes, Protests, and Claims. If a dispute, protest, or claim against the government arises from the specifications, solicitation, award, performance, termination, or any other aspect of a task order, and a decision is issued in favor of the vendor, the Client agency shall bear the costs associated with any such protest, dispute, or claim and shall provide sufficient funds to cover all costs associated with it. IA Dispute. Should a dispute between the parties to this agreement arise that cannot be resolved at the operating level, the area(s) of disagreement shall be stated in writing by each party and presented to the other party for consideration. If agreement is not reached within 3- days, the parties shall forward the written presentation of the disagreement to their respective higher officials for appropriate resolution. Amendments. Any changes to the terms of this agreement, amendment of Blocks 9 and/or 10 of the IA Cover Page, or changes in economic factors not presently known, must be made in writing and agreed to by both the client and FCIC. Acquisition/Service Fee. The GSA shall not charge an acquisition or service fee to the client for providing the services described herein. Small Business Credit. Any contract actions executed by the Servicing Agency on behalf of the Requesting Agency will allocate the socio-economic credit to the Requesting Agency in FPDS-NG. CONTACT INFORMATION The following information is presented for information78cd@ A ! 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