Fact Sheet  
Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
Sets of documents with arrows pointing into NRC Licensing Support Network with down arror pointing to words DISCOVERY and RETRIEVABLE DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL

Licensing Support Network

"The LSN provides the public and potential parties to the NRC's licensing proceeding access to information relevant to the licensing of a repository at Yucca Mountain … "
What is the LSN?

The Licensing Support Network (LSN) is a web-based information system intended to facilitate the discovery process. It supports the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) licensing process for a repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. All potential parties to the NRC's licensing proceeding, including the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and NRC, place relevant documentary material in the LSN.

The LSN contains electronically retrievable documentary material relevant to the DOE’s license application. The LSN provides the public and potential parties to the NRC's licensing proceeding access to information relevant to the licensing of a repository at Yucca Mountain prior to submittal of the license application. The NRC's regulations for the LSN are found in Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 2, Subpart J.

What is the DOE’s role?

As the license applicant, DOE is required to make available on the LSN material relevant to the licensing proceeding. DOE will identify and prepare potentially relevant documentary material and load such documents onto the LSN. DOE is required to certify that the documentary material has been identified and made electronically available no later than six months in advance of the submittal of the license application. In addition, this certification must be updated at the time of license application submittal, as required by NRC regulations.

Where can the public access the LSN?

You can access the LSN on the Internet at http://www.lsnnet.gov/. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can find public Internet access at the following locations:
  • Most community libraries
  • Most colleges and universities


Yucca Mountain Project