Fact Sheet  
Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
License Application image - four boxes above the words License Application; first box: General Information; second box: Preclosure Safety Analysis; third box: Postclosure Performance Analysis; fourth box: Programmatic Requirements

Contents of the license application

"The license application is the formal document an applicant submits to the NRC to present proposed activities."
Before the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) can construct and operate a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, it must first obtain a license from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The license application is the formal document an applicant submits to the NRC to present proposed activities. It also documents the safety analyses. The NRC evaluates an applicant's proposed activities and safety analyses by reviewing the license application.

The license application includes General Information and a Safety Analysis Report (SAR). The General Information includes:
  • A general description of the repository and its operations
  • Schedules for construction, receipt, and emplacement of waste
  • A description of the physical protection plan for safeguarding the facility
  • A description of the material control and accounting program to be implemented to track radioactive materials movements at the repository
  • A description of site studies performed
The SAR, the principal technical document in the licensing process, discusses why the repository is considered safe and how it complies with the NRC’s regulations. The major topics of the SAR include preclosure safety analysis, postclosure safety analysis, and programmatic requirements.

The preclosure safety analysis during facility operations in the SAR addresses:
  • Information about the site's geology, hydrology, mineralogy, and surface features
  • Information about structures, systems, and components important to safety
  • Information about design features for preventing and minimizing potential natural and human-induced safety hazards
  • Analysis of safety hazards (based on likelihood of occurrence) and their potential consequences
The postclosure, long-term performance assessment in the SAR addresses:
  • Information on how natural and engineered barriers will work together to contain and isolate waste
  • Information about features, events, and processes that could affect the repository’s ability to isolate waste
  • Results of how the repository would likely perform in the future based on a total system performance assessment
The programmatic portions of the SAR describe the following topics:
  • Quality assurance
  • Records and reports
  • Organization and training
  • Expert Elicitation
  • Startup activities
  • Maintenance and testing
  • Emergency Planning
  • Controls to restrict access and regulate land uses
  • Technical Specifications
  • Operational Radiation Protection Program
  • Performance Confirmation Program

Yucca Mountain Project