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Jack Case: The ultimate facelift

More than one-third of Y‑12's employees have vacated more than 50 buildings to move into the newly constructed Jack Case and New Hope centers.

More than one-third of Y‑12's employees have vacated more than 50 buildings to move into the newly constructed Jack Case and New Hope centers.

Increased productivity is just one benefit that will be realized when the Jack Case Center is occupied. Employees will be able to interface easily with co-workers who used to sit a half mile (or more) away. Access to service organizations, like Reproduction, will be more convenient, and with many organizations under one roof, fewer vehicles will be needed.

In creating new work spaces, Y‑12 planners sought to encourage collaboration, promote interaction and support teaming. They wanted space conducive to information exchange. Both buildings have casual seating areas for informal discussions. The centers have more than 60 conference rooms of varying sizes, accommodating from four to 400 people.

“I am excited to see that the buildings allow for employees to gather informally to have a cup of coffee and hold a business discussion without the constraints of offices,” said Senior Vice President and Chief Human Capital Officer Debbie Shecterle. “The informal seating areas staggered around the buildings, as well as the break rooms and cafeteria, will make it easy for employees to collaborate and actually talk face to face, which always improves communication,” she said.

Both centers were designed with energy-saving features. High-efficiency glass and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems allow for reduced heating and cooling loads, which are further reduced by an Energy Star–compliant roof system. Carpets, paints and furniture contain low or no volatile organic compounds, and the centers use energy-efficient lighting and controls. Cabinets and countertops are free from urea formaldehyde, and all workstations have been tested for chemical emissions performance. Jack Case’s U-shaped layout is practical and allows for the maximum footprint, parking and daylight.

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