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Contact: Alexander "Sandy" Hill, Communications Director, GA Awards Program
Posted On: December 14, 2007
GA Awards Program Seeks Missing Names
. . .has recognized aviation professionals for their contributions to aviation. . .

GA Awards Program Seeks Missing Names

Each year for more than four decades, the General Aviation Awards program has recognized aviation professionals for their contributions to aviation, education, and flight safety. The program, a cooperative effort between the Federal Aviation Administration and more than a dozen industry sponsors, aims to identify individuals on the local, regional, and national levels as Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) of the Year, Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) of the Year, Avionics Technician of the Year, and FAA Safety Team Representative of the Year (previously known as the Aviation Safety Counselor of the Year).

Ironically, there is no single place where all the names are displayed, and where all national recipients are publicly recognized. Currently, the Experimental Aircraft Association is considering erecting such a display in their EAA AirVenture museum. However, in spite of extensive research, the GA Awards Committee is missing the names of several past national-level recipients. The committee is attempting to identify the National CFIs of the Year for 1968-1971 and 1973-1975, as well as the National AMTs of the Year for 1974 thru 1976.

If you have any information that may assist in identifying the missing national CFIs and AMTs, contact GA Awards Committee chairperson JoAnn Hill in Colorado at 303-485-8136 or

Alexander "Sandy" Hill
Communications Director
GA Awards Program