Ajuste el Tamaño de la Letra


En el Trabajo


• Change all the light bulbs in your office to compact fluorescent lights (CFL).

  •     CFLs use 60 to 75% less energy than regular bulbs, and replacing  just three can save about $60 per year.


• Encourage your co-workers to turn off the lights or install motion-sensor lights.

  •     Finding ways to cut down on the use of lights, the number one use of energy in buildings    (CHECK), can make a big difference. You can even find ways to increase the natural light in your office.


• Set up a recycling program.

  •     In the kitchen or break room, put in bins for cans, plastic bottles, glass, and paper.


• Buy recycled paper and recycled products.

  •     Recyclable paper takes seventy to ninety percent less energy and prevents the loss of forests worldwide. Many offices use as many as twenty packs of paper each week. By using recycled paper, you could save 100 pounds of carbon dioxide every week.


• Promote energy efficient measures.

  •     Set your copier or printer on a default setting to print or copy on both sides. Use both sides of a sheet of paper for writing or drawing as well.
  •     Use ceramic cups and mugs in place of disposable wax paper cups to reduce waste.


• Turn off and unplug electronic devices at the end of the day.

  •     Simply turning off these machines saves a few thousand lbs of carbon dioxide each year.  However, even when turned off, electronic devices use energy, and thus should be unplugged.


• Find alternative ways of getting to work.

  •     Walking, biking, and carpooling to work will greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


• Use timers for air conditioners and heaters.

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