Historic homes still fetch buyers
The yellow brick house that sits along The Battery — arguably the most photographed stretch of historic downtown Charleston — recently was sold to a Washington, D.C., couple. It fetched $5.4 million. read more...
Man pens note, tries to kill self "If you are reading this letter, then I am dead." That's how teacher Tracy Lee Judy began his four-page suicide note this week. read more... Budget ball in Sanford's court The $700 million question remains. But now Gov. Mark Sanford has a $5.7 billion one on his desk. read more...

Stand up to payday lenders With more South Carolinians seeing their income drop, if not disappear altogether, more are vulnerable to predatory lending. The Legislature should stop dancing to the ...
Burger Mug Raised by a hundred mothers In small towns, you're never out of your mother's sight. ...
Hicks Mug Town that won't be railroaded They talk business over biscuits and gossip over grits, moving ...
Peper Mug Cell phones in the schools Warren Peper asks people about banning cell phones in schools.
The Daily Briefing  photo School choice suffers setback; Senate onto budget
Legislators take up school choice, the $5.7 billion ... ...

Tiger Tracks  photo ACC meeting chatter volume II
Baseball tournament is on the move ...

The Bryce Is Write  photo Office remedies
If I had to guess I'd say I've ... ...

At local open-mic nights, everyone is a star.

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Which is a better cruise ship terminal location, Patriots Point or downtown Charleston?

Patriots Point
Downtown Charleston

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