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BLM Preparedness Review Checklists

Click here to go to the Interagency Standards for Fire and Aviation Operations

The standards reflected in the checklists are established national policy requirements. The checklists reflect the agency standard for operations and performance in each area of review and are not arbitrary standards set by the review team. These checklists are used on all of the Fire and Aviation Directorate (FAD) National Preparedness Reviews to maintain a consistent level of review nationwide. The individual states can request individual items of interest be added to the checklists used in their state review, but these additions must not undermine any established national policy requirements outlined in the standard checklist.
Checklist 1Agency Administrator
Checklist 2Fire Management Administrator
Checklist 3Geographic Area Coordination Center
Checklist 4Aviation Management
Checklist 6Safety Officer
Checklist 7Training
Checklist 8Aviation Base Review
Checklist 9Individual Firefighter
Checklist 10Dispatch
Checklist 11Engines
Checklist 12Interagency Hotshot Crew
Checklist 14Smokejumper
Checklist 15Helicopter Module
Checklist 16Dozer
Checklist 17Hand Crew Non-IHC


Proposed revisions to the checklists can be sent to Kurt La Rue: Fire Management Specialist; FAD, BLM Fire Operations ( Comments should be typed into the “remarks” section of the checklist proposed for change. These checklists can be sent electronically to the above address for consideration. Proposed changes need to reflect current national policy and be a quantifiable item that directly applies to fire preparedness. The proposed revisions should include the exact verbiage that is being proposed. Checklists are reviewed for compliance with agency policy and standards each January. Proposed changes will need to be submitted by the end of January for consideration that year.