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FAASTeam   FAASTeam Notice
Type: Local Air Safety Information
Notice Date: January 1, 2009
Notice Number: NOTC1499
General Mitchell International Airport (MKE) Runway Safety Bulletin
This posting will be removed on March 31, 2009

Since October 1, 2007, there have been nineteen (19) surface incidents at General Mitchell International Airport (MKE).

  • Eighteen (18) events were classified as runway incursions.
  • Fourteen (14) incursions resulted from pilot deviations.
  • Eight (8) pilot deviations involved crossing runway hold short
    lines without authorization.
  • Four (4) aircraft failed to comply with Air Traffic Control (ATC) taxi instructions to hold short of Runway 25L on Taxiway M.

Warning:   Hold short lines for Runway 25L on Taxiway M are well
removed from the runway entry point, and are located approximately
300 feet east of Runway 1R/19L. Watch for holding position
markings and signs, runway guard lights and taxiway locations signs.
Note:  Please see MKE Airport Diagram and Hot Spot Brochure by clicking (or cutting and pasting into your browser) the link below.
Three (3) incidents involved aircraft that had been cleared to taxi for
an intersection departure on Runway 19R from Taxiway V.  In each
case, the pilot properly acknowledged the taxi clearance but failed to
turn right onto Taxiway V and illegally crossed Runway 7L/25R at
Taxiway E.
Warning:   Aircraft taxiing on Taxiway E for an intersection departure
on Runway 19R from Taxiway V, use caution not to cross Runway
7L/25R at Taxiway E.  Runway 7L/25R is located just north of
Taxiway V. Watch for holding position markings and signs, runway
guard lights and taxiway locations signs.
Note:  Please see MKE Airport Diagram and Hot Spot Brochure by clicking (or cutting and pasting into your browser) the link below.
One (1) aircraft failed to comply with the Air Traffic Control (ATC)
instruction to hold short of Runway 25L while taxiing on Runway 13.
Warning:   Aircraft taxiing on Runway 13 to depart on Runway 25L,
note that the holding position for Runway 25L is located on Runway
13, well removed from Taxiway M and Runway 25L. Watch for
holding position markings and signs. 

Note:  Please see MKE Airport Diagram and Hot Spot Brochure by clicking (or cutting and pasting into your browser) the link below.