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Two Years on Mars

two years on Mars

two years on Mars
Two Years on Mars - Jan. 2006

The Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and
Opportunity, are marking their second
anniversaries on Mars. Spirit landed on Jan. 3,
2004. Opportunity landed Jan. 24, 2004. This
narrated slide show features images selected
by members of the the rover team.

+ HTML feature

+ Rover news, images

+ Rover home page

This feature requires the latest version of Flash.
Click here to download the latest version of Flash.

One Year on Mars - Jan. 2005

In January 2004, Mars had two new visitors. The
Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity,
were about to begin an amazing year of
exploration. Look back at their scientific
adventures and discoveries, and stay tuned as
the rovers welcome a brand new year on Mars.

+ Flash feature

+ Release: Rovers' Adventures

+ Rover home page

This feature requires the latest version of Flash.
Click here to download the latest version of Flash.