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March 21, 2007

U.S. Department of Energy completes environmental assessment for INL Science and Technology Campus

The U.S. Department of Energy has issued the final environmental assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on the proposed consolidation and expansion of existing Idaho National Laboratory research and development facilities within the city of Idaho Falls, to a central Science and Technology Campus (STC).

The Science and Technology Campus would support INL’s energy, national security and science missions by providing INL access to updated and co-located facilities for conducting multidisciplinary, leading-edge research, business and collaborative activities. It would enhance efficiency and minimize administrative and other costs.

This FONSI enables the Department to pursue the business decisions it will need to make before implementing the proposed action. Business cases to analyze acquisition approaches are being developed.

The final environmental assessment and FONSI are available for review by going to the DOEIdaho web site at www.id.doe.gov and clicking on “Laboratory Programs.” Paper copies of the document are also available by contacting Jeff Shadley at 1955 Fremont Ave., mailstop 1220, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83415 or by email to SHADLEJT@ID.DOE.GOV.


Media contact(s):
Tim Jackson, (208) 526-8484


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