Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Service 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857

FDA Talk Papers are prepared by the Press Office to guide FDA personnel in responding with consistency and accuracy to questions from the public on subjects of current interest. Talk Papers are subject to change as more information becomes available.

T97-54                   Arthur Whitmore:  (202) 205-4144
October 30, 1997         Broadcast Contact:(301) 827-3414       
                         Consumer Inquires:(800) 532-4440


     On October 30, 1997, representatives of the Food and Drug
Administration received the Presidential Design Achievement Award
for the "Nutrition Facts" panel found on virtually all food labels.
The FDA officials, along with officials from 8 other federal
organizations were presented with the award by Mrs. Tipper Gore, on
behalf of President and Mrs. Clinton. 
     The nine winners of this Presidential Award were selected out
400 entrants by a blue ribbon panel of architects, artists and
other design experts.  Only 31 of these Presidential Awards for
Design Excellence have been bestowed since their creation in 1983.
     The Award recognizes exemplary achievements in Federal design
in such areas as architecture, interior design, urban planning and
graphic design.  The FDA's "Nutrition Facts" Panel was selected
because it was deemed to have been a very useful, consumer-friendly
design for providing consumers with accurate nutrition information
about the foods they buy and consume. 
     The "Nutrition Facts" panel has been required on virtually all
food labels since August 1994.  It is estimated that more than 300 
billion food product containers now bear this format, and national 
surveys reveal its wide acceptance and use by the general public. 
In fact, almost 80 percent of consumers surveyed, reported checking
the new food label when buying new food products. 