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CSP Forms

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Online Forms

A letter of intent is required to submit a proposal to the CSP. Letters for sequencing in FY2010 will be accepted between December 15, 2008 and January 30, 2009 and should be submitted using the web-based Work Initiation Process (WIP) interface. Proposals for bacterial and archaeal isolates should be submitted as brief white papers beginning in January 2009, will be accepted on a continuous basis and will be reviewed every three months. Submitters whose letters of intent are approved will receive further instructions via email

User Agreement

A written User Agreement defines expectations and mutual responsibilities for a sequencing project. See the Review Process and Contract Documents page for details.

DNA/RNA/cDNA Submission

Forms for collaborators supplying DNA, RNA, or cDNA to the JGI for sequencing:

Getting Started: Detailed instructions for initiating your project at the JGI