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1292 projects found

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Marine Anammox bacterial enrichmentMetagenomeMetagenomeProductionNot yet available CSP 2008Anammox bacteria ?Scalindua marina?, ?Brocadia fulgida? and ?Anammoxglobus propiPI: Jetten, Mike (Radbound UniversityNijmegen)16-Jan-2009
Archaeal Virus Community Sample 4MetagenomeMetagenome EnvironmentAwaiting MaterialNot yet available LSP 2007Yellowstone Archaeal Virus CommunityPI: Roberto, Francisco (Idaho National Laboratory)16-Jan-2009
Archaeal Virus Community Sample 5MetagenomeMetagenome EnvironmentAwaiting MaterialNot yet available LSP 2007Yellowstone Archaeal Virus CommunityPI: Roberto, Francisco (Idaho National Laboratory)16-Jan-2009
Archaeal Virus Community Sample 7Metagenome EnvironmentAwaiting MaterialNot yet available LSP 2007Yellowstone Archaeal Virus CommunityPI: Roberto, Francisco (Idaho National Laboratory)16-Jan-2009
Archaeal Virus Community Sample 8MetagenomeMetagenome EnvironmentAwaiting MaterialNot yet available LSP 2007Yellowstone Archaeal Virus CommunityPI: Roberto, Francisco (Idaho National Laboratory)16-Jan-2009
Archaeal Virus Community Sample 6MetagenomeMetagenome EnvironmentAwaiting MaterialNot yet available LSP 2007Yellowstone Archaeal Virus CommunityPI: Roberto, Francisco (Idaho National Laboratory)16-Jan-2009
Populus trichocarpa Nisqually-1WGS + ESTEukaryote, LargeAwaiting MaterialBLAST Browser Download Portal DOEM 2002Populus trichocarpaPI: Tuskan, Gerald (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)15-Jan-2009
Diaphorobacter sp. strain TPSYWGSEubacteriaPost Draft SeqBLAST Download Portal CSP 2008CSP_788792, Biogeochemically important bacteriaPI: Coates, John (UC Berkeley)13-Jan-2009
Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis CP4, gDNA_1 (Genomic DNA)WGSEubacteriaAssemblyNot yet available CSP 2008CSP_788284, Zymomonas mobilis strainsPI: Pappas, Katherine (University of Athens)13-Jan-2009
Thiomonas intermedia K12WGSEubacteriaProductionNot yet available CSP 2008CSP_788277, Halothiobacillus neapolitanus and Thiomonas intermediaPI: Heinhorst, Sabine (The University of Southern Mississippi)13-Jan-2009
Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis lectotype ATCC 29191, gDNA_1 (Genomic DNA)WGSEubacteriaAssemblyNot yet available CSP 2008CSP_788284, Zymomonas mobilis strainsPI: Pappas, Katherine (University of Athens)13-Jan-2009
Palaeococcus ferrophilus DSM 13482WGSArchaeaPost Draft SeqNot yet available GEBA 2007GEBA ProposalPI: Eisen, Jonathan (UC Davis Genome Center)13-Jan-2009
Methanothermus fervidus DSM 2088WGSArchaeaProductionNot yet available GEBA 2007GEBA ProposalPI: Eisen, Jonathan (UC Davis Genome Center)13-Jan-2009
Burkholderia cepacia Bu72WGSEubacteriaLibraryNot yet available LSP 2007LSP2007.37PI: van der Lelie, Daniel (Brookhaven National Laboratory)13-Jan-2009
Oceanithermus profundus DSM 14977WGSEubacteriaProductionNot yet available GEBA 2007GEBA ProposalPI: Eisen, Jonathan (UC Davis Genome Center)13-Jan-2009
Rubrobacter radiotolerans IAM 12072WGSEubacteriaProductionNot yet available GEBA 2007GEBA ProposalPI: Eisen, Jonathan (UC Davis Genome Center)13-Jan-2009
Spirochaeta thermophila DSM 06578WGSEubacteriaAwaiting MaterialNot yet available GEBA 2007GEBA ProposalPI: Eisen, Jonathan (UC Davis Genome Center)13-Jan-2009
Thermosphaera aggregans DSM 11486WGSArchaeaProductionNot yet available GEBA 2007GEBA ProposalPI: Eisen, Jonathan (UC Davis Genome Center)13-Jan-2009
Thiothrix nivea DSM 05205WGSEubacteriaProductionNot yet available GEBA 2007GEBA ProposalPI: Eisen, Jonathan (UC Davis Genome Center)13-Jan-2009
Sulfobacillus acidophilus DSM 10332WGSEubacteriaProductionNot yet available GEBA 2007GEBA ProposalPI: Eisen, Jonathan (UC Davis Genome Center)13-Jan-2009

1292 projects found

*PI is Principal Investigator