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Technical Service Center
Environmental Applications and Research Group

Riparian & Wetland Studies

mountain lake

The Riparian and Wetland research program located at Reclamation's Technical Service Center in Denver, CO, combines numerous scientific and engineering disciplines to help understand and manage natural riparian and wetland ecosystems. These teams of experts are also involved in the design, construction, and operation of constructed wetland systems to provide for both water treatment and wildlife habitat. This program involves, and is not limited to, activities in:
1). the understanding and management of large water delivery and related systems for the protection of riparian plant and animal communities;

2). evaluation of environmentally sound techniques for wetland vegetation eradication or restoration;

3). proper design and operation of constructed wetlands for the improvement of water quality related to non-point pollution and wastewater effluent; and

4). proper selection of vegetation, planting schemes, and habitat features that are suitable for important wildlife and waterfowl species.

The riparian and wetland research program includes cooperative efforts with other agencies including the U.S. Geological Service's Fort Collins Science Center, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, state fish and game agencies, water resource agencies, universitites, city and local departments, and private contractors.

If you would like more information on our riparian and wetland research programs please contact us at (303) 445-2200,
or send e-mail to Andrew Montaño at amontano@do.usbr.gov with the words Riparian & Wetland Studies in the subject line.
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Riparian & Wetlands Related Links

Click here to see a list of links that may provide useful information about riparian areas and wetlands.