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Background to DOEs Architecture

The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 and OMB guidance since FY 2002 drove the development and implementation of Enterprise Architecture as a business-based framework for government-wide improvement. The resulting Department of Energy (DOE) Enterprise Architecture (EA) defines how all parts of DOE work together to ensure business and technology alignment, realize operating efficiency and effectiveness, identify cost savings and/or cost avoidance, and be more responsive to the changing needs of the mission. As a result of further OMB guidance beginning in FY 2006, DOE embarked to develop a more actionable approach, or Segment Architecture (SA), focused on achieving clearly-defined outcomes. While EA is meant to provide a “big picture” view across an organization, SA is meant to focus on specific areas that are more detailed and results-oriented.

iManage and Enterprise Architecture

A fully implemented iManage Program supports the accomplishment of the Department's Strategic goal to "Enable Mission through Sound Management". The iManage Program incorporates the core, enterprise wide projects (subsystems) from three collaborating Department headquarters organizations:

  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer (CF)
  • Office of Human Capital Management (HC)
  • Office of Management (MA)

These core subsystems of the iManage program consist of:

  • CHRIS: The Corporate Human Resource Information System is the human-resources component of iManage
  • STARS: The Standard Accounting and Reporting System is the financial management component of iManage
  • IDW: The iManage Data Warehouse component is the enterprise-reporting facility for iManage
  • STRIPES: The Strategic Integrated Procurement Enterprise System initiative is the procurement and financial assistance component of the iManage program
  • iBudget: The Standard Budget System is the budget formulation and execution component of iManage.

The Business Support Systems (BSS) Segment Architecture contains one Information Technology (IT) investment; representing these core subsystems of the iManage program. This BSS Segment demonstrates significant improvement in the Departmental Enterprise Architecture based upon three OMB assessment areas:

  • Completion of enterprise architecture
  • Use of EA in improved decision-making
  • Results to improve agency effectiveness.

BSS Segment Architecture Overview

The owner of the BSS Segment Architecture is the owner of DOE’s iManage Program. The Charter for the segment corresponds to the Charter for iManage. The governance structure for the segment is the iManage program governance. The BSS Segment Architecture approach is to compliment and support that of the iManage Program in its role as the benchmark for business management systems. Specific areas of BSS contribution will include:

  • Leverage support tools, reports and analyses
  • Support migration to OMB’s E-Gov’s Line of Businesses
  • Support cost savings and/or avoidance
  • Integrate additional projects into iManage investment strategy.

Leverage support tool, reports and analyses: iManage will leverage enterprise-wide reports, tools and analysis information supported through the BSS Segment. Through the usage of EA Program Performance Measures, BSS would continue to document the consolidation and/or elimination of redundant systems across the Department in "back-end" support areas; i.e. financial management, acquisition and financial assistance management, human capital management, data warehouse reporting, and budget formulation and execution. Also, the BSS Segment Architecture will leverage enterprise-wide reports, tools, and analyses. This leverage has led to the identification of areas for cost reduction and/or avoidance under the investment.

Support migration to OMB’s E-Gov Line’s Of Business: iManage continues to review OMB’s E-Gov Line of Business (LOB) initiatives such as for Financial Management (FM) LOB, Budget Formulation and Execution (BFE) LOB and Human Resources (HR) LOB as examples demonstrating new levels of EA maturity. In particular, the HR LOB and HR LOB EA information posted on the respective OPM websites represent innovation useful in planning the approach going forward. Also, there is the continuing focus to align iManage to the Federal LOBs (and thus supporting the President's Management Agenda) with the STARS migration to the FM LOB and the CHRIS migration to the HR LOB. As stated, the iManage Program continues to evaluate a more specific time when adoption of E-GOV LOB technologies will be possible and can be built into its strategy.

Support cost savings and/or avoidance: In another area, the ability of the BSS Segment Architecture to leverage enterprise-wide reports, tools and analysis has led to the identification of areas for cost reduction and/or avoidance under the investment. These measures document the elimination of systems redundancy and support consolidation that is directly aligned with the President’s Management Agenda (PMA) in areas such as Expanded Electronic Government as well as Budget and Performance Integration.

This occurs via integrated business processes that support DOE operations decision making. Further, performance metrics from the current iManage Exhibit 300 submittal reflect the direct alignment of the BSS Segment with the PMA and include:

  • Maintain an iManage system uptime in excess of 95% of schedule
  • Maintain 100 percent cyber security accreditation
  • Maintain data error rate below 2%
  • Maintain a customer support satisfaction rating of 60%
  • Maintain a green rating on 7 or more categories out of 10 as recorded on the OMB Measurement Tracking System.

Integrate E-Gov investments into BSS iManage strategy: The overall iManage Program interfaces with a number of systems that exist outside its enterprise-wide investment yet are incorporated into the iManage sphere of influence within the Department. These systems support the business management concept for the iManage Program and will eventually be embraced and supported by the BSS Segment Architecture. Two E-Gov investments serve as examples of this expanding sphere of influence: GovTrip and DCPS.

The e-Travel GovTrip system provides end-to-end travel for DOE employees and is hosted by another Agency (GSA). This relationship is a partnership between the Department and the GSA E-travel Program office. This E-Gov system supports the entire Travel function for DOE. The Defense Civilian Payroll System (DCPS) is the comprehensive payroll system for DOE and is hosted by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). All DOE employees access their payroll information through the DCPS “myPay” website. All payroll services, system maintenance and data assets have been updated and maintained by DFAS since early FY 2004.

Going forward, the iManage BSS Segment Architecture will embrace and support these E-Gov investments in furthering of the Departments alliance with the PMA.

Point of Contact: The OCFO Enterprise Architecture POC is Micheala Brown, CF-40, at: 301-903-4027.

Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
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