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Carbon Sequestration
Capture Project Descriptions

Fossil Energy Technology Strategy
Project # 44360

Primary Performing Organization
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

This multi-phase project will use a structured analytical process, based on economic modeling of the energy system, to create a common basis of understanding among industrial/government stakeholders that are involved in ongoing debate surrounding the future of coal within the United States energy system, and the future of energy R&D. The two major elements of this project are a scoping study and a detailed analytical effort aimed at Fossil Energy interests and priorities.

There are three fundamental goals to this project:

  • Reduce U.S. vulnerability to foreign energy supply disruptions.
  • Improve the energy systems flexibility, reliability, and safety, requiring utilization of a diversity of energy sources.
  • Dramatically reduce the environmental footprint of the energy system.

These goals cannot be achieved through incremental change. They will require dramatic improvement in the overall performance of the energy system, which can only be enabled by advanced technologies. The long-term products of this project will include:

  • A clear vision for the future of coal
  • A quantified business case for coal technologies, addressing both the industrial/shareholder perspective and the public policy perspective
  • A roadmap with ten-year time steps to 2050

Project Manager: William O’Dowd,

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