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Recovery Month Community Events

Event Number
Yoga of Recovery Certificate Course for Counselors
Yoga of Recovery is the first comprehensive course to combine Ayurveda and Yoga with traditional recovery tools to offer a more holistic mind, body, spirit approach to addiction and self-destructive behaviors.
1/23/2009 10:00 AM to 2/1/2009 12:00 AM
Type of Event
Holistic training focusing on recovery from all addictions
Location: Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas

Jan 23 - Feb 1, 2009 (arrive Jan 22, leave Feb 2, 11 nights)
(accommodation ($59-$89 per night)

Web: www.sivanandabahamas.org
Email: Nassau@sivananda.org
Phone: 1-866-446-5934 or 242-363-2902
Program Agenda
Hatha Yoga:
Course students will practice hatha yoga 2 hours per day, the class will be suitable for all levels. This course does not qualify you as a hatha yoga teacher, it simply brings you to the awareness and experience of its benefits, within the context of the wider framework of yogic psychology and philosophy and the healing aspects of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda workshops:
-Causes of disease from the Ayurvedic perspective and its relation to addiction.
-Addictive tendencies of each doshic type and their underlying needs and vulnerabilities.
-Likely damage caused and some simple suggestions for balance.
-Simple, practical methods to revitalize the body's systems and boost the immune system such as proper daily and seasonal routines.
-How to be 'established in the self' - the best way to strengthen ongoing recovery.
- Ayurvedic nutrition.
-Seasonal and lifestyle suggestions.
- Simple yet essential detoxification practices.
-Counseling practices most useful for each type.

Tools of Recovery workshops:
Become able to correlate and discuss the many similarities between the foundations of Classical Yoga and those of the 12 Step Programs. This course expands your awareness and understanding of the 4 Paths of Yoga and how these spiritual practices can be integrated with the tools of 12 Step Programs.

Open 12-step meetings:
Many people who work in the field of recovery are themselves in recovery. Here we talk about our experience, strength and hope around any addictive habits that we are recovering from. This helps us develop more openness and compassion around both our own lingering compulsions and the struggle of different 'drug of choice' than ours. These meetings will also be a very beneficial experience for those not in recovery, to see what meetings are like, what their clients are involved with.
Invited Officials/Presenters
This course is co-facilitated by Swami Sitaramananda and Durga.

Swami Sitaramananda is a gifted speaker and teacher of Yoga and Meditation, serving for more than twenty-five years in the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashrams & Centers. Swami Sitaramananda's great experience of the intricacy of spiritual life, her vedic knowledge and her love of spiritual seekers have made her an able spiritual teacher.

She is an internationally respected teacher who presents the intricate yoga philosophy and practice in a simple, down to earth and humorous manner. She is an expert in teaching Positive thinking and how to deal with the mind and the emotions.
Expected Number of Participants
Invited Participants/Audience
This course is for therapists, social workers, addiction counselors, sponsors, yoga teachers, Ayurvedic practitioners etc. Anyone interested in a more holistic and complete view of the problem and its solution. Bringing the west (12 Steps) and the East (Yoga and Ayurveda) together offers us a truly empowering approach to counseling those who embark on a program of recovery. It is the evolution of the solution.

Upon completion of the course you will have the skills to introduce the healing potential of the holistic sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga into your own life and those around you.

For those in counseling roles the course will offer you additional tools and a deeper understanding of the comprehensive approach to wellness, emotional sobriety and sustained spiritual development using Ayurveda and Yoga as extension therapies to any 12 Step work. If you are already a Yoga teacher, this course will make you uniquely qualified and more confident to teach yoga in rehabs or to people in recovery from any addiction. You will fully understand the root of the problem and the holistic approach, extended from limited understanding of substance abuse/behavioral problems to be treated with asana alone, to a full range of therapies for mind, body and spirit from these powerful healing modalities.
Primary Contact
reception or  any staff member
Yoga Retreat
Paradise Island,   00108
Phone Number
Email Address
Secondary Contact
Phone Number
Email Address
Web Site

Event Number
2009 Spring Academy: Prevention and Treatment Exchange
CASAT, Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies, at the University of Nevada, Reno is pleased to be working with NAMFT (Nevada Association of Marriage and Family Therapists) in co-sponsoring the Spring Academy: Prevention and Treatment Exchange. The Spring Academy will be held in Reno, Nevada at the Grand Sierra Resort from May 18-20, 2009.

The conference will expose professionals working in addiction treatment, prevention, and marriage and family therapy to the latest in substance related disorders research, strategies and evidence-based methodology. Unlike the typical conference format, attendees will be encouraged to actively participate in discussions of current standards of practice and research-based interventions. Attendees also will have the opportunity to strengthen existing knowledge through attending short, hot topic workshops on a variety of pertinent subjects and personal/professional development.

Conference Goals
* Promote opportunities for networking for cross-systems collaboration
* Strengthen existing knowledge
* Increase knowledge of innovative research and technologies
* Increase awareness to a growing diverse and multicultural population
* Strengthen workforce commitment and competencies
* Provide an platform for multiple exposures to new technologies
* Create a foundation for technology transfer
* Adopt leading ideas in the field
* Implement evidence-based practices

5/18/2009 8:00 AM to 5/20/2009 5:00 PM
Type of Event
Grand Sierra Resort
Reno, Nevada
Program Agenda
The Spring Academy will offer 3-day specialized workshops in Motivational Interviewing, Clinical Supervision and SAPST (Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training). These specialized workshops will enable participants to gain in-depth knowledge of the application leading to adoption of and adherence to the evidence-based practice. The personal choice of selecting a specialized workshop or a series of hot topic workshops will make the Spring Academy a meaningful learning experience for each participant.

* Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training (SAPST)
* Motivational Interviewing
* Clinical Supervision

Additional Sessions
* Workforce/Professional Development
* GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender)
* Cultural Competency
* Prescription Drug Abuse
* Teens
* Seniors
* Cognitive Disabilities
* Co-Occurring Disorders
* Neuroscience and Addiction
* Criminal Justice and Addiction
* Recovery Support Systems
* Process Addiction
* Sexual Addiction
* Gambling Addiction
* and more!
Invited Officials/Presenters
Debra Jay, author of No More Letting Go: The Spirituality of Taking Action Against Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, published by Bantam in 2006. She has also co-authored two Hazelden Guidebooks: Love First: A Family's Guide to Intervention; Aging and Addiction: Helping Older Adults Overcome Alcohol or Medication Dependence.

Linda Silvas, Native American storyteller, motivational speaker, and author of Mama Bear, Baby Bear a tale about addiction and redemption.

Ruben Baler, PhD, National Institute on Drug Abuse, speaking on the Neuroscience of Prevention

Many More!
Expected Number of Participants
Invited Participants/Audience
Addiction Treatment Therapists Prevention Experts
Marriage and Family Therapists
Social Workers
Criminal Justice/Corrections
Those working with Veterans
Primary Contact
Michelle  Berry
800 Haskell Street
Reno, NV  89509
Phone Number
Email Address
Secondary Contact
Angela Broadus
800 Haskell Street
Reno NV  89509
Phone Number
Email Address
Web Site