EHP International Program

Translated Content

ehp chinese edition logo Although English is spoken by scientists around the world, those outside the scientific and health care communities are often less likely to have a working knowledge of this language. To help EHP fulfill its mission of disseminating scientific information not only to scientists but also to policy makers and an informed lay public, we work with numerous organizations to provide translations of selected EHP content.

EHP Chinese Edition
EHP has partnered with the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention (SCDC) to publish a quarterly edition of EHP in Simplified Chinese. The SCDC has proved to be an exceptional partner, and the edition has been very well received by a large Chinese-speaking audience. The bulk of EHP Chinese Edition is made up of news articles first published in EHP. Each issue also includes original or reprinted editorials as well as "In This Issue" text (brief synopses of research articles) from past issues of EHP. About 35,000 copies are distributed.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva (CSC)
As a journal capacity-building effort, the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, EHP, and CSC developed a partnership in 2004. CSC is a quarterly public health journal published in Brazil by the Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva (Brazilian Association of Public Health; ABRASCO). As a component of the partnership, CSC translates abstracts of selected EHP review articles into Portuguese for subsequent republication in print and electronic form. EHP and CSC provide reciprocal links on their websites.

Ciencia y Trabajo (C&T)
In 2003, EHP joined with the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and the Fundación Científica y Tecnológica, Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (Chilean Security Association; ACHS), to transform C&T, a local publication, into a high-quality regional Latin American journal devoted to occupational and environmental health. Each quarterly edition of C&T includes Spanish translations of selected EHP news articles. EHP and C&T provide reciprocal links on their websites.

China Environment and Health (CEH) Resource Hub
The CEH Resource Hub is a comprehensive web-based database that houses information on individuals and institutions working on environment and health in China, as well as bibliographic resources. Among other database content are EHP articles that have been translated into Chinese either for publication in EHP Chinese Edition or specifically for inclusion in the CEH Resource Hub. The hub, a project of the Social Science Research Council, enables researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to search for information about research and activities on specific issues and to present their own work.

Annals of Alquds Medicine (AAM)
AAM, a Palestinian medical journal, has recently begun translating selected EHP news articles into Arabic.