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NN/LM Pamphlets and Brochures in the NTCC Clearinghouse

There are 8 pamphlet and brochure resources listed in the NTCC Clearinghouse that have been published by NN/LM staff:

  1. Title: LactMed Basics
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This phamplet describes and helps users search LactMed. LactMed is a free online database for breastfeeding mothers with information on the effects of drugs on lactation. Learn about drug levels, possible drugs effects on the infant, and alternative medications. (Clearinghouse record last modified on October 29th, 2008)
  2. Title: Lo esencial de Medlineplus (MedlinePlus Basics) [PDF]
    Languages: Spanish
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This brochure explains the basic elements of MedlinePlus en espanol. It conforms as much as possible to the English version. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to print and download this item. (Clearinghouse record last modified on September 23rd, 2008)
  3. Title: MedlinePlus Basics Brochure [PDF]
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This brochure explains the basic elements of MEDLINEplus. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to print and download this item. (Clearinghouse record last modified on September 23rd, 2008)
  4. Title: NLM Gateway Brochure [PDF]
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: This informational brochure, in trifold format, explains the basic elements of the NLM Gateway which allows users to search multiple databases of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Adobe Acrobat (PDF) is required to print the brochure. (Clearinghouse record last modified on March 4th, 2008)
  5. Title: PubMed Basics Brochure
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Covers basic features of NLM's PubMed. Available in PDF format that can be used to produce tri-fold brochure. (Clearinghouse record last modified on September 24th, 2008)
  6. Title: Resources for your health Get Connected For Asian American Health
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Annotated listing of Websites concerning Asian American health issues. (Clearinghouse record last modified on November 14th, 2008)
  7. Title: Resources for your health Get Connected! African Americans
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: Annotated listing of Websites concerning African American health issues. (Clearinghouse record last modified on November 14th, 2008)
  8. Title: Searching PubMed with MeSH [PDF]
    Languages: English
    Audience: Public
    Audience: Health Professionals
    Audience: Information Professionals
    Description: A trifold phamplet (hand out) highlighting major aspects of the MeSH controlled vocabulary. (Clearinghouse record last modified on August 25th, 2006)