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For Immediate Release
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Contact: Kathleen M. Joyce
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“It is critical for federal authorities to closely monitor the marketplace to ensure that no one is exploiting consumers.”

Washington, D.C.- In light of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, Third District Representative Walter B. Jones issued a letter today to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) calling on Chairwoman Deborah Platt Majoras and the Commissioners to vigilantly enforce consumer protection statutes in order to ensure that no one is exploiting consumers through unfair and illegal price gouging.

Citing his concern for the protection of American consumers in a time of crisis, Congressman Jones sent the following letter to the Federal Trade Commission:

I am writing to urge you to vigilantly enforce consumer protection statutes in order to ensure that oil and gasoline producers, refiners, wholesalers or retailers are not unfairly gouging consumers. Citizens are certainly aware that Hurricane Katrina has exacerbated an already bad market situation for oil and gas. As of today, 25 percent of the nation’s oil and gas production capability remains shut down in the Gulf of Mexico. Eight major oil refineries in Louisiana and Mississippi that normally process over 1.8 million barrels of crude oil a day are out of commission. Two of the nation’s largest pipelines that deliver gasoline to much of the East Coast were closed and it may take days or weeks before their capacity is restored. At the same time, demand for gas continues to hover near record highs. Under these conditions, it is expected that gas prices would temporarily rise to a certain extent.

However, it is critical for federal authorities to closely monitor the marketplace to ensure that no one is exploiting consumers through unfair and illegal price gouging. The strength of our nation depends on the people’s trust in the government to guard their interests, especially during times of crisis. Thank you for doing all you can to protect America’s consumers.

Eastern North Carolinians with specific allegations of price gouging may file a complaint with the FTC. This can easily be done by visiting Congressman Jones’ website at and clicking on the link “Contact the U.S. Department of Energy about Gas Prices in Your Area.” You may also file a complaint directly through the Department of Energy by visiting If necessary, Congressman Jones will follow up with the Commission to ensure that cases are thoroughly investigated and that violators are prosecuted.

For additional information or to schedule an interview with Congressman Walter B. Jones please contact Kathleen Joyce at (202) 225-3415.
