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For Immediate Release
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Contact: Kathleen M. Joyce
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“It is outrageous for a Marine to be treated this way by the very country he fought to defend.”

Washington, D.C.- In a letter today to President Bush, Third District Representative Walter B. Jones asked the President to protect the legal rights of Camp Lejeune Marine, 2nd Lt. Ilario Pantano, as he faces charges of pre-meditated murder for his military actions in Iraq. While serving in Iraq last April, Pantano was forced to shoot two Iraqi insurgents after they advanced toward him, ignoring his order to halt. Lt. Pantano was scheduled to have an Article 32 hearing on his case on April 25th, but yesterday he waived that right thereby expediting the case straight to trial. Lt. Pantano and his attorneys were repeatedly denied their right to access the evidence and witnesses the prosecution was going to use during the hearing. Confident of his innocence and leery of the prosecution’s unfair practices, they waived his right to the hearing.

“It is outrageous for a Marine to be treated this way by the very country he fought to defend,” Jones wrote. “I continue to believe that 2nd Lieutenant Pantano is innocent of the charges against him, and that his unfair treatment in the Article 32 proceedings and his continued prosecution by the U.S. government sends a horrible message to the brave men and women serving on the front lines of freedom. I know you have incredible demands on your time, but as Commander-in-Chief I respectfully request that you insure that 2nd Lieutenant Ilario Pantano is guaranteed his full and complete legal rights under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”

Representative Jones has also sent a copy of the letter to House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter and Ranking Member Congressman Ike Skelton.

For additional information or to schedule an interview with Congressman Walter B. Jones please contact Kristen Quigley at (202) 225-3415.
