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For Immediate Release
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Contact: Kathleen M. Joyce
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“ ‘The ongoing war in Iraq has taken a toll on this nation. Families have been torn apart by the loss of a loved one who has paid the ultimate price in service to their country. Charging Lt. Pantano with murder is not only wrong, but is also detrimental to morale in America.’”

Washington, D.C.- Today, Third District Representative Walter B. Jones introduced House Resolution 167 which, if passed, would express the support of the House of Representatives for Camp Lejeune Marine, 2nd Lt. Ilario Pantano. Pantano, while serving in Iraq last April, was forced to shoot and kill two insurgents who posed a threat to his life. Now back at Camp Lejeune, Pantano is facing charges of pre-mediatated murder for actions even his platoon members called self-defense.

The Resolution reads, “Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to Second Lieutenant Ilario Pantano, United States Marine Corps… that Second Lieutenant Ilario Pantano, United States Marine Corps, was defending the cause of freedom, democracy, and liberty in his actions of April 15, 2004, that resulted in the deaths of two suspected Iraqi insurgents and that subsequently have given rise to certain charges against him; and the United States Government should dismiss all charges against Second Lieutenant Ilario Pantano arising from [those] actions.”

On February 25th, Congressman Jones wrote a letter to President Bush asking for his support for Lt. Pantano. Representative Jones has been especially concerned that Lt. Pantano’s situation may cause further questioning about the war in Iraq and may even lead some potential enlistees to second-guess their decision. He also worries that the accusations against Pantano could cause other Marines to question their own future actions thereby endangering both their own lives and the success of the war on terror.

“ ‘The ongoing war in Iraq has taken a toll on this nation. Families have been torn apart by the loss of a loved one who has paid the ultimate price in service to our country,’” Jones wrote in his letter to the President. “‘Charging Lt. Pantano with murder is not only wrong, but is also detrimental to morale in America. This sends a potentially flawed message to those considering enlisting in the military.’”

For additional information or to schedule an interview with Congressman Walter B. Jones please contact Kristen Quigley at (202) 225-3415.
