Basic Firing Operations Training Package

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Basic Firing Operations Training Package
Basic Firing Operations Training Package

The purpose of this training is to acquaint new firefighters with the basic concepts utilized in firing operations. It was sponsored by the Interagency Hotshot Steering Committee. Anyone involved in firing operations either during suppression activities or prescribed fire should benefit from this training tool.

Target Audience
Any firefighter with 1-5 seasons of experience that has not already taken S-234 Firing Methods and Procedures.

Instructor Qualifications
The instructor of this course should have sufficient experience to understand and explain the basic concepts in firing operations.


This training package consists of a power point presentation and one handout. Print out enough handouts for the entire class. You may also choose to print off the slide show itself (recommend 3 slide per page) as an additional handout. The training is designed to be given in approximately 6 hours. The instructor should review the entire program, including the instructor notes before presenting it to a class. It is recommended that various hand firing devices be on hand to show the class and demonstrate proper procedures. In Unit 5, it may also be helpful to augment this program by incorporating a Sand Table Exercise (STEX) of Tactical Decision Game (TDGS) to illustrate various points. Several STEX are available to choose from on the Leadership Website or you may want to develop your own locally.

This training package is also available on CD from Custom Recording, (208) 344-3535.


National Interagency Fire Center
3833 S. Development Avenue
Boise, Idaho 83705
NOTE: Contents of this site will be reviewed and updated annually.