Home Grown Program

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Home Grown Programs

Check out the home grown programs available on this page for ideas or training opportunities.

Available Home Grown Programs

Have you built a training presentation that could help someone else?

If so, here is an opportunity to share it with the rest of the fire service. Many good training programs are grassroots efforts developed by firefighters at the local level. This "Home Grown" section is intended to put potential users in touch with individuals who have put together training programs specifically designed for annual refresher training use.

To submit a training program, write up a short abstract describing the product and send it to refresher_comments@nifc.gov. It should include the following information:

Provide an overview of the content covered in the training. Indicate if the training is designed for a specific audience (helitack, engine, etc).

Provide an estimate of time required to present the training.

Delivery Support
Identify any special equipment or field site requirements for presenting the training.

Provide your contact information for interested users to obtain the necessary instructional materials (lesson plan, handouts, powerpoint presentations, etc).

Remember, this is an information sharing service only. If you submit your training program, please be willing to provide the instructional materials to those who request it.


National Interagency Fire Center
3833 S. Development Avenue
Boise, Idaho 83705
NOTE: Contents of this site will be reviewed and updated annually.