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For Immediate Release
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Contact: Kathleen M. Joyce
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Washington, D.C. – In a letter today to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-NC) expressed concern over Lieutenant General Frank Kearney’s directive that premeditated murder charges be levied against Master Sergeant Troy Anderson and Captain Dave Staffel, even though the two soldiers were exonerated by the Army’s Criminal Investigation Command (CID). Rep. Jones urged that the Defense Inspector General immediately initiate an investigation of Lt. Gen. Kearney concerning the command influence utilized to bring charges against MSgt. Anderson and Cpt. Staffel, and the decision to expel the entire Marine Special Operations Company from Afghanistan in March 2007.

The letter to Secretary Gates follows below.

Dear Mr. Secretary:

I am troubled by the premeditated murder charges levied against Master Sergeant Troy Anderson and Captain Dave Staffel. Based on his own statements, Lieutenant General Frank Kearney directed that charges be brought against these two American heroes despite the fact that the two soldiers were exonerated by the Army’s Criminal Investigation Command (CID). In an email, he said: “I did direct charges be preferred since no one at Fort Bragg would.” Even more disturbing, Sergeant First Class Scott Haarer, a paralegal on Kearney’s staff, signed the charging sheets without being told of the CID’s results.

This situation is just one instance among many that involve improper command influence and poor decision making by Lt. Gen. Kearney. In March, Lt. Gen. Kearney expelled the entire Marine Special Operations Company from Afghanistan due to their response to an attack by the enemy. Not only was this unprecedented, none of the investigations have been completed that would warrant such action. Today, Marines involved in the incident are leaving the Corps. Lt. Gen. Kearney’s decision has damaged not only the development of Marine Special Operations Command, but also the Marines’ personal livelihood.

These two actions alone have damaged the lives of many of our special operators and deserve to be investigated. Therefore, I demand that a thorough investigation of Lt. Gen. Kearney be initiated immediately by the Inspector General regarding the command influence utilized to bring charges against MSgt. Anderson and Cpt. Staffel. In addition, I request that the Inspector General determine whether the decision to expel the Marine Special Operations Company from Afghanistan was proper and void of any improper motivation. I further request that you report back to me any actions that have been taken pursuant to this letter.

Click here for a copy of the letter.

For additional information please contact Kathleen Joyce at (202) 225-3415.
