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For Immediate Release
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Contact: Kathleen M. Joyce
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WASHINGTON, DC – Third District Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-NC) today introduced H.R. 5255, the American Flag Display Protection Act, a bill that would prohibit a school from receiving Federal funds if the school prevents a student from displaying or wearing in a respectful manner a representation of the flag of the United States.

“The most important symbol of any Nation is the national flag,” Congressman Jones said. “Since ancient times, flags or banners have served to identify and unify groups of people, especially in times of war.”

News reports in recent weeks have indicated that several schools in California, Arizona and Colorado prohibited the display of national flags and the wearing of clothes with patriotic symbols. These bans were imposed in reaction to confrontations between students sparked by the ongoing national debate over immigration issues.

A Denver newspaper reported in April that several students at Shaw Heights Middle School were given one-day suspensions after wearing U.S. Marines t-shirts or shirts with American flags. Another student at the middle school was reportedly suspended for wearing a D.A.R.E. program shirt with a flag behind the logo.

“Throughout our Nation, the American flag is displayed in classrooms and school hallways,” Jones said. “The display of the American flag by students should be afforded an extraordinary level of protection – and should by no means be equated with the treatment of those who choose to display the flag of foreign powers. School officials in this country who prohibit students from wearing or displaying the United States flag in a respectful manner should not do so without consequence.”

H. R. 5255 would prohibit an elementary school, secondary school or institution of higher education from receiving funds from any Federal source, by contract or grant, if the school or institution has a policy or practice that prevents or prohibits the right of a student to display or wear, in a respectful manner, a representation of the United States flag in a manner that is at least equal in quality and scope to the right of a student to display or wear any other representation.

For additional information or to schedule an interview with Congressman Walter B. Jones please contact Kathleen Joyce at (202) 225-3415.
