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For Immediate Release
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Contact: Kathleen M. Joyce
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Washington, D.C. – In a letter today to House Republican Majority Leader John Boehner, Third District Representative Walter B. Jones praised Mr. Boehner for announcing his plan to allow for a full and lengthy debate on the Iraq war on the floor of the House. The Majority Leader made the announcement to colleagues yesterday at a meeting of the House Republican Conference.

“Thank you for your call for a full and lengthy debate on the war in Iraq,” Congressman Jones wrote. “You are to be congratulated for your leadership in ensuring that the First Branch of Government fulfills its Constitutionally-mandated oversight function.”

Earlier this month, on April 5, Jones joined Republican colleagues Rep. Wayne Gilchrest of Maryland and Rep. Ron Paul of Texas in signing H. Res. 543, a bipartisan petition to allow for a full debate on the House floor to discuss U.S. policy in Iraq. Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa signed the petition on March 30th. Today, Rep. Howard Coble, the senior member of the North Carolina congressional delegation, also announced his support for H. Res. 543.

“Whatever course our nation takes in this matter, it is vital that we do so as a matter of consensus,” Jones’ letter to Mr. Boehner continued. “A vital part of developing that consensus is giving the elected officials an opportunity to collectively express their views on where we are, how we got to this point, and how best the nation should proceed forward. That full expression of views will now be possible thanks to your far-sighted leadership.”

“I look forward to the upcoming promised debate, and fully support your timely efforts to schedule the upcoming debate. The nation and our conference can be justifiably proud of your leadership,” Congressman Jones concluded.

For additional information or to schedule an interview with Congressman Walter B. Jones please contact Kathleen Joyce at (202) 225-3415.
