Telemarketing Sales Rule Review

Participants at this two-day forum on the Telemarketing Sales Rule will discuss provisions of the Rule other than the "do-not-call" provision, which was featured at the Commission's January 11, 2000 forum.

List of Participants
Telemarketing Sales Rule Forum
July 27-28, 2000

  1. American Association of Retired Persons
  2. Direct Selling Association
  3. National Association of Consumer Agency Administrators
  4. American Teleservices Association
  5. National Consumers League
  6. Personal Legal Plans, Inc.
  7. Electronic Retailing Association
  8. National Retail Federation
  9. Direct Marketing Association
  10. Magazine Publishers Association
  11. National Association of Attorneys General
  12. Junkbusters
  13. Private Citizen
  14. NACHA
  15. Verizon
  16. Promotion Marketing Association