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Insurance Services Programs

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Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP)

Federal Dental Program

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) currently contracts with the following insurance carriers for supplemental dental and vision benefits under the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program.

Aetna Life Insurance Company
Government Employees Health Association, Inc. (GEHA)

MetLife Inc.
United Concordia Companies, Inc.
Group Health, Inc.
Triple-S, Inc.

Dental plans provide a comprehensive range of services, including but not limited to the following:

  • Class A (Basic) services, which include oral examinations, prophylaxis, diagnostic evaluations, sealants and x-rays.
  • Class B (Intermediate) services, which include restorative procedures such as fillings, prefabricated stainless steel crowns, periodontal scaling, tooth extractions, and denture adjustments.
  • Class C (Major) services, which include endodontic services such as root canals, periodontal services such as gingivectomy, major restorative services such as crowns, oral surgery, bridges and prosthodontic services such as complete dentures.
  • Class D (Orthodontic) services.

Dental Premiums

If you live outside of the United States:

you can enroll in 1 of the plans listed in the International Dental Premium Chart below. These plans provide coverage for services received inside or outside of the United States.

International Dental Premium Chart PDF File[92 KB]

If you live inside the United States:

your rates are determined based on where you live. This is called a rating area. To find your bi-weekly or monthly Dental premium, you must first find your rating area in the file below.


  1. To find your Dental rating area:
    1. Find your state and your corresponding zip code (1st 3 digits).
    2. Look under the Plan name and you will find your rating area.

    Dental Rating Area Chart

  2. To find your bi-weekly or monthly Dental premium, match your rating area with your desired FEDVIP plan in the Dental Premium Chart below.
Dental Premium Chart PDF File [111 KB]

For enrollment/premium questions regarding the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, please contact BENEFEDS at 1(877)888-3337. To enroll in FEDVIP, please visit

New -- 2008 Federal Employees Vision Premiums

2007 Dental / Vision Premiums